/ / General Shemyakin, his air career and land property

General Shemyakin, his air career and land property

During the North Ossetian conflict of 2008General Shemyakin, performing his duties, led the actions of transport aviation. Judging by the results of the military operation, he did it well, there were no problems with the delivery of military goods. He was even presented to the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree, but the then Air Force commander Zelin, for unknown reasons, refused to award.

General Shemyakin

For a real soldier it does not matter, althoughunpleasant. But the military people of their native country are not serving for awards, besides, transport planes are not attack aircraft or bombers, they didn’t fall under enemy fire during the August war, and did not fly over hostile territory. So, perhaps, such a routine work, which was led by General Shemyakin, did not fall under the definition of a feat, although he himself even had to sit at the helm of heavy Il-76.

Valeriy Shemyakin General

He was not the first time, and if he needed to take the risk, he would have done his duty, no doubt about that. Participation in combat conflicts is much greater tension to that bail. And combat awards.

In 2013, a scandal involving thefrauds in the distribution of real estate, the participation of which became General Shemyakin Valery. News of the forged documents provided by the defendant to the housing commission of the Ministry of Defense to receive free material assistance, an apartment and a land plot, was distributed after his trial.

General Shemyakin Valery Izvestiya

In the face of obvious and proven facts, the generalShemyakin chose a rather unusual line of defense. He did not explain his actions, but the very accusation of them, in his opinion, became the cause of his objectionability. To whom? First, the leadership of the Defense Ministry in general and the Air Force in particular. The place of the deputy commander in chief was attracted to someone. And secondly, his brave actions greatly angered the secret services of the defeated enemy, that is, the Georgian ones.

Situation:the airport of Beslan, operates an air bridge, transport planes land and take off, General Shemyakin directs the work of the pilots, standing on a concrete platform. Here some dark personalities approach him, and with a Caucasian accent (typical spies), they propose to stop the activity of transferring manpower and technology. What are the actions of a brave defender of the motherland? He detained insolent? No, in his own words, he suggested that the officers change into jackets without epaulets and continue to command. General Yermolov once delicately called such boldness shyness. For this manifested resourcefulness of one order will not be enough ...

General Shemyakin

And one more episode of pressure Valery recalledShemyakin. The general, frustrated with his refusal to award him, takes a mobile phone in his hand, and from there, again, with the same accent, unidentified individuals gloat about it. Here, they say, we avenged you, you do not see the Order!

According to some representativespublicly condemning Putin in every way, sentencing Shemyakin is the same cynical reprisal as the Khodorkovsky case. There is nothing to refute the arguments of the accusation, it remains to hint at the "disfavor of the authorities."

However, it would be strange if managementcountries liked generals, who, by hook or by crook, wanted to grab as much material wealth from their native country as possible. Such commanders and should be disagreeable.

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