/ How to write a scientific article? How to issue and publish a scientific article?

How to write a scientific article? How to issue and publish a scientific article?

Writing a scientific article is a huge work,because not only does the author painstakingly collect information from various sources, analyze the received data, conduct his research, he still needs to put it all in an accessible form on paper and properly format. The reader needs to be interested in his work, to make sure that it does not go unnoticed. The Ministry of Education and Science has provided methodological recommendations for novice authors on the design of articles, but everyone must work on the content independently.

how to write a scientific article

What is a scientific article?

Information collected, studies conducted - andHere the most important thing begins. Before writing a scientific article, it is necessary to decide how to write it. First of all, this is a short report on the work done, there must be the very essence of the research. The author in the scientific article writes whether he achieved the set goal, what arguments were confirmed, and which - not. We also need to make forecasts and conclusions. Such works are of two types: empirical and theoretical. The former assume the use of methods such as observation, experiment, evaluation, and conducting experiments. Theoretical articles are written on the basis of analysis, modeling, deduction, synthesis, induction.

What style should I adhere to?

For example, how to write scientific articles on economics- understandably. Here the business style is used, dry submission of facts and figures is welcomed. But what do students or graduate students, working on an article on psychology, sociology, philosophy? In any case it is necessary to adhere to the scientific style, everyday language is inappropriate here. At the same time, the article should be understandable, accessible to a wide range of readers, not just professors. You can not give personal assessments, the conclusions must be confirmed by facts. It is also important not to lose the connection between sections, the material should be presented in a logical sequence.

how to make a scientific article

Structure of the article

Any work begins with the title.It should not only be beautiful, sonorous, but also capacious, revealing the meaning of research. An important point is also the writing of an annotation, in which the main abstracts are displayed. After reading them, a person should get an idea of ​​the whole work. The abstract is written in two languages: Russian and English. It is necessary to list the keywords that are the core of the work. Before you write a scientific article, you can make a list of terms and then start off from them, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

The most important part of the work is actuallytext. It is for his writing to direct all the forces, trying to maximally reveal the essence of research. The author should explain to readers why he considers this question, how important it is, what contribution it makes to science. Research should be new, not disclosed earlier, to have any prospects, to be useful to people.

how to publish a scientific article

Before writing a scientific article, you need toto determine the object and object of research, to form the main tasks and goals, which at the very end, in the conclusions, confirm or refute. It is desirable to give as an example information on the research of this issue in history, compare the views of scientists of different eras.


Many novice authors do not know how to writea scientific article, where to start, how to design it. Write the main text - it's half the work, because you still need to put links, illustrate it with graphs, tables, diagrams and other applications. Scientific article is not written from the head, the information from various sources is taken as a basis, here it is necessary to refer to them. References are placed in square brackets at the end of the quotation, and the explanation can already be found in the list of references.

how to write scientific articles in the journal

Regardless of who writes the article(student, graduate student or research assistant), it should end with a brief information about the author. Here you should specify e-mail, contact phone, title, academic degree (if any), position, place of work, specialty code. If the author does not have a scientific degree, it is necessary to attach a review from the scientific supervisor.

Work plan

Each scientific article should include:

  • Annotation (in two languages).
  • Introductory part (coverage of the subject of research, definition of tasks, goals).
  • The main part (presentation of the facts, the results of the study of the problem).
  • Conclusions (refutation or proof of the truthfulness of the issues discussed earlier and ways of solving problems).
  • References.
  • List of used literature.

how to write scientific articles on economics

Algorithm for writing a work

It is much easier to create text if there isspecific algorithm. Here is how to write a scientific article to a graduate student who does not have sufficient experience in this matter? To begin with, it is necessary to correctly and clearly formulate the problem under consideration. In most cases, the article is written on a topic that has been studied previously. For example, it was devoted to a course or diploma work. In this case, you need to carefully re-read past publications, review all your drafts, notes.

A scientific article should contain a newpublic information, so you should think about what you can offer to solve an existing problem, how to draw your thoughts on paper so that they are correctly interpreted. Next you need to study suitable books, magazines, collections, get acquainted with the point of view of other researchers. Only after writing the main text, we should begin drafting the introduction and conclusion.

Having created a draft version, you should carefully follow it.re-read to once again make sure that all sections are logically interrelated, written in the right sequence, all evidence and arguments are indicated, there is a development of scientific thought and concrete conclusions are presented. In the final part, you do not need to retell the whole text - it is recommended to generalize the material, highlighting the main thing.

how to write a scientific article to a graduate student

How to make a scientific article correctly?

Work is written on A4 paper, from allsides should be a field of 2.5 cm. A 1.5 line spacing is used, the size of the pin is 14, font is Times New Roman. The number of pages of the article can range from 7 to 15, but not less and no more.

How to publish a scientific article?

First, you need to choose the right edition.Students have little choice, mainly given the right to talk about their research only in the student publication, for example, the university collection of scientific papers. If a scientific article is written for the further defense of a doctoral or master's thesis, you must publish it in one of the journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Before sending your work to the editorial office,you should familiarize yourself with the requirements for the article. The publication can put forward restrictions on the volume, indicate the need for an announcement, certain criteria for registration. You can send your work by e-mail or regular mail, depending on the wishes of the magazine. If the editorial board accepted the article, it means that it will appear in print in a few months. Before writing scientific articles in the journal, you need to make sure that the information stated in the work does not contradict the editorial policy of the publication.

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