Fernand Magellan - the famous Portuguesenavigator and explorer, was born in a small village of Sabrosa in northern Portugal in the family of an impoverished knight. For some time he served as a soldier in the expeditionary force sent to India. At the beginning of the 16th century he returned to Portugal, where he offered the king a project to achieve the Spicy Islands, strategically important, by the western sea route. However, King Manuel the First rejected Magellan's world trip, considering it utopian. In 1517, Magellan moved to Spain, where he proposed a similar plan. The Indian Council, which dealt with all overseas affairs, gave the go-ahead for the organization of the expedition, and soon the Spanish King Charles the First signed a decree on the financing of the Magellan expedition. Work was begun on the search for captains and crew, able to endure long sea crossings.
The Portuguese was given the title of viceroy of allopen lands and given the right to a twentieth of all income from them. The organizational part encountered many obstacles both from the Portuguese agents and from the Spanish captains, who did not want to be subordinated to the foreigner. However, having overcome all the disagreements, a small fleet consisting of five ships: Victoria, Trinidad, Concepcion, San Antonio and Santiago, sailed from the port of San Lucar in September 1519. So began Magellan's world tour. In November they reached the coast of Brazil. And following the southern direction, the flotilla entered the bay of San Juan, where it remained to wait for the winter. Soon one of the ships of Magellan, which he sent into reconnaissance, was lost, the other ship deserted back to Spain. With three ships and the first round-the-world trip of Magellan was made. In November, they went out into the ocean, which the famous sailor called the Quiet, as there were no storms throughout their journey here. On the route the expedition opened the Mariana Islands. For a long time they had no opportunity to replenish supplies necessary for the crew, as a result of which many fell ill with scurvy, and some people died.
Nevertheless, Fernan's round-the-world tripMagellan continued, and in March 1521, the flotilla reached a group of the Philippine Islands. Seeking to subdue them, Magellan intervened in local strife, and during one of the punitive expeditions into the interior of the island, Fernand was killed in a skirmish with the inhabitants.
Magellan's round-the-world travel was approachingby the end, by that time there were already 2 ships, 113 sailors under the leadership of J. Carvalho, who was soon killed by rebels. The Portuguese captured one of the ships and set out for the island of Borneo, another ship with a Spanish crew and under the direction of Captain Del Cano crossed the Indian Ocean, and in September 1522 reached the port of San Lucar. Magellan's round-the-world trip was completed only by 18 people, but it radically turned sea routes and expanded the geography of sea voyages.