/ / Specialty "Quality management". Specialties of higher professional education

Specialty "Quality management". Specialties of higher professional education

Quality management is a field of activity,where measures are developed and an analysis of procedures that affect the process is carried out. As a result of the process, services or products are created whose goal is to provide high quality indicators by implementing measures that control the quality and decision making.

Relevance of the problem

The problem related to quality management,is relevant. The growing interest in this issue is caused by Russia's accession to the WTO. The competitiveness indicators existing in our country, as well as the quality of the products produced for organizing such a large scale, as the World Trade Organization, are inadequate.

specialty quality management

As you know, quality is a consequence of performanceeach structure and department of the enterprise of the direct duties. Specialty "Quality Management" deals with such issue as the production of high-quality products, which, in turn, raise the standard of living of the population. Accordingly, quality management is an economic and internal political problem # 1.

Area of ​​problems to be solved

Specialists who work in the field responsible for quality management should be able to solve tasks such as:

  • development of technical and economic solutions aimed at achieving stable and efficient production in the economy;
  • formation of a quality management system in the organization;
  • organization of certification and audit of management systems;
  • organization of qualitative cooperation of three parties - business, government and education.

quality management work

Specialty of quality management isspecific, as during the training students get knowledge that allows to achieve the quality of products that will meet the western standards:

  • ISO 9000 - quality management standards.
  • ISO 14000 - environmental quality management.
  • MRPII and ERP - methodologies.

In addition, students who receive relevanteducation, master methods and means to control the quality of the modern level, master modern graphics programs that are designed for design, study databases, metrology, certification and standardization.

specialty quality management by whom to work

The information obtained allows the graduate to apply himself in various organizations.

Knowledge gained

In the process of training the specialty "Managementquality "gives students the knowledge and skills that will be useful later in the work.The theoretical as well as practical exercises conducted during the training simulate situations that occur in reality.To ensure that the work does not encounter difficulties, knowledge is provided in various directions.

faculty quality management


  • analyze the market of products and services;
  • to clarify the problems that exist in the organization;
  • to develop the necessary measures aimed at reducing the consumption of materials, reducing labor intensity, and increasing labor productivity;
  • to analyze, for what reason defective products and products with low quality are produced, and also to develop the necessary measures for their prevention;
  • to check the quality of the services provided;
  • to develop more effective methods of quality control;
  • improve the quality of products, processes and services;
  • participate in the testing procedures in the organization;
  • take measures to ensure the sustainability of processes and increase their safety;
  • to develop new systems to manage the organization and ensure their functioning;
  • develop and implement business plans;
  • manage information and material flows in production and in the provision of services;
  • keep company records;
  • to select personnel, train them and certify, develop professionally and personally;
  • manage staff at a professional level;
  • to engage in the introduction of new information and technological systems for automated management and design;
  • provide the necessary protection of information;
  • freely speak in a foreign language.

It is worth noting that they enter the faculty forspecialty "Quality Management" applicants who have a sufficient command of a foreign language. This is due to the fact that quality management systems are rooted to the west, and in order to introduce new technologies, most of the literature should be read in the original language - English or German.

Learned subjects

Specialty "Quality management" gives a wideeducation. The knowledge gained during studies can be applied in various fields. Graduates who have received this specialty are in demand in companies, since they are guided in different issues during the student's life.

In order to become highly qualified specialists, students pass subjects:

  • quality audit;
  • marketing;
  • information technology in quality management and information protection;
  • metrology, standardization and certification;
  • technology and organization of production of products and services;
  • universal quality management;
  • financial and management accounting;
  • process management;
  • personnel Management;
  • economic management of the organization.

Technical regulation

In the specialty "Quality Management" isbranch, more narrowly directed than the general area. The specialty "Technical regulation and quality management" is connected, to a greater extent, with physical research of the quality of the products or services provided.

technical regulation and quality management

The standardization technician is qualifieda specialist who performs laboratory tests and tests. He registers the indications of laboratory equipment and instruments, controls sanitary and hygienic indicators, works with normative and technical documentation.

Required knowledge

In the Russian Federation on 01/03/2016.an order was registered under No. 41273, according to which the federal state educational standard of higher education of the "bachelor" level was approved. Code 27.03.02, specialty - quality management.

This law establishes a list of necessary knowledge that students will receive.

higher education specialty quality management

For quality work, students will be taught:

  • the main stages of the life cycle of products or services, products;
  • basic approaches to quality management;
  • the main tools of quality management;
  • the basics of legislation in matters relating to the protection of consumer rights, the environment, and labor protection;
  • information technology in quality assurance;
  • international quality management system standards;
  • methods of studying, managing, planning and auditing quality systems;
  • problem-oriented methods of analysis, synthesis, and optimization of quality assurance processes;
  • principles and methods of development and rules for the application of documentation in matters of ensuring the quality of products, processes and services.

Graduates who have mastered this specialty are ready to work in the following areas:

  • organizational and managerial;
  • design and engineering;
  • production-technological,
  • production and design.


At the end of the university, a graduate who receivedspecialty "Quality Management", wonders about where to work? Such profile specialists are in demand in the public sector, social and economic organizations, services and life, logistics, ecology, construction. You can work on a specialty, becoming a specialist in quality control and quality management, a quality auditor or an expert representing certification bodies.

Future specialties

Having received the specialty "Quality Management", whom to work with? There are many directions for employment.

quality management specialty where to work

The most common area in the production, where you can work:

  • quality inspector;
  • a metrologist;
  • quality control of products;
  • the clerk;
  • laboratory assistant of chemical analysis;
  • verifier;
  • technician-technologist;
  • technician in quality.

Having studied the specialty "Quality Management", where to work? In private and public organizations, in production.


Higher Education specialty "Quality Management"position as one of the most popular. The demand for highly qualified specialists is high, the demand for labor market is growing, and wages, depending on the business qualities, the level of professionalism and attitude to the chosen profession, are high.

27 03 02 quality management specialty

Having received the specialty "Quality Management", by whomwork and where to work, it becomes clear that such questions arise rarely. Qualified personnel in this field often receive proposals even at the stages of training at the university, and after obtaining a coveted certificate, they immediately go to their workplace.

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