/ / Kind of apple Rossoshanskoe striped: the description of a cultivar, features of cultivation, a photo

Apple type Rossoshanskoe striped: description of the cultivar, peculiarities of cultivation, photo

At the beginning of the twentieth century, breedersa new sort of winter apples Rossoshanskoe striped, which was widely used in industry and private property. This is due to high quality indicators of the variety, which will be discussed later.

Features of the variety

Apple Rossoshanskoe striped is distinguished by mediumgrowth, oval shape of the crown. The branches have a greenish-brown color of the bark. They rush up, then, as they grow up, they go to the sides and look down. The buds are cone-shaped with gray-brown scales.

The leaves are large in size, dark green, the plate is slightly embossed, wrinkled. Flowers are white, with entire petals. The apple-tree blooms in the early-middle period.

Apple Rossoshan Striped brings largeround-conical fruits. When they mature, they acquire a greenish-yellow color with dark red stripes that merge into a single blush from the sunny side. The fruit is covered with a matt or slightly glossy skin.

Pulp of fruits - light green, sourish-sweet to taste, high juiciness and medium aroma. The fruits are very beautiful in appearance, have an amazing taste.

Apple-tree Rossoshanskoe striped

The apple-tree variety Rossoshansky striped refers tomiddle or late-ripening, considered to be early winter. Fruits do not fall off the tree. The shelf life of apples reaches 150 days. Fruits are well transported and have high commodity characteristics.

Fruiting of trees begins with 4-5 years,characterized by high volumes. In the first fruiting from the apple tree, 150-170 kg of apples are obtained. This is considered a very good indicator. This variety, by its yield, surpassed all the others at the Rossoshanskaya horticultural station. The tree brings the harvest regularly and begins to bear fruit periodically with age.

The variety perfectly hibernates.No freezing of trees has been recorded. Although the flowers in the spring can be destroyed by frost, which leads to a decrease in the number of crops. Of diseases apple-tree is susceptible to scab, showing high sensitivity to it.

Pros and cons of the variety

Breeders and gardeners call the following advantages of apple-tree Rossoshanskoe striped:

  1. Excellent adaptation to any weather situations.
  2. High yield level.
  3. Excellent commodity indicators.
  4. Great taste.
  5. Valuable biochemical composition.

Description of the apple Rossoshanskoe striped calls and minus the varieties - this susceptibility to scab. But this defect is easily overcome by timely treatment of the disease.

apple blossom Rossoshanskoe striped

Features of landing

Planting of apple seedlings can be done inautumn or spring period. Trees prefer loam. Sand, peat, and compost are mixed in the clay. To the sandy lands add clay, humus, peat. The soil must be well saturated with air and moisture.

Apple Rossoshanskoe striped, the photo of which is presented in the article, is planted in several stages:

  1. A month before the planting, a pit of 80 cm deep and 1 m in diameter is prepared. The top layer of fertile soil is separated and laid aside.
  2. In the center of the pit a peg is driven in, which will be the support for the apple tree.
  3. Separated soil is mixed with compost, humus, manure, peat and fill the hole.
  4. Plant a tree, deepening the roots. The peg should remain on the south side. The root neck should be 5 cm above the ground.
  5. The tree is tied to a peg, watered with 3-4 buckets of water.

Intervals between trees should be 2.5 m.

Apple Rossoshan striped description


Regular pruning of apple trees is carried out in the spring.First, the central branch is reduced by 2-3 kidneys, the skeletal branches should be lower. In the following years, formative scraps are carried out: shorten young shoots, and growing inside completely remove, skeletal branches pruned.

Prestovalny circle weeded, mulched.Watering is carried out about once a month with three buckets of water, in droughty periods watered more often. Calculating the amount of water is simple - how many years the apple tree, so many buckets for it and pour.

Trees that bear fruit are watered according to the scheme:

  • before bud formation;
  • 20 days after flowering;
  • 30 days before the collection of apples;
  • after removing apples.

At the time of harvest, Rossoshanskoe strips do not water the apple, otherwise the shelf life will decrease.

Rossoshan Striped Apple Tree Photo


New plantings in spring are fertilized with urea, in May-June they are sprayed with sodium humate. In autumn the roots are fed by phosphorus-potassium compounds.

Adult trees are fertilized 4 times:

  1. In the spring, 500 g of carbamide are scattered on the soil.
  2. Before flowering, a combination of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea is added.
  3. After the fall of the flowers, they feed Nitrophus and sodium humate.
  4. After harvesting, make humus under the trees.

Rossoshan striped apple tree reviews

Disease Prevention

Top dressing is combined with treatment for diseases andparasites. As already mentioned, the Rossoshan striped variety is the worst scab. The disease causes fungal damage to the apple tree. The scab is dangerous for the tree as a whole and for apples in particular.

To prevent the development of the disease, gardeners use Bordeaux liquid. Effective also:

  • colloidal sulfur;
  • "Ftalan";
  • Topsin-M.

Bordeaux liquid is used in early spring,The remaining compositions can be used later. When working with chemicals, it is important to take care and use protective equipment. As a rule, timely treatments make it possible to avoid defeat of the disease.

Reviews of gardeners

Apple Rossoshan striped, by reviewsgardeners, is a high-yielding tree that gives tasty and beautiful fruits. Everyone who grows an apple tree of this variety, notes its high susceptibility to scab. However, as already mentioned, this feature of the variety requires regular careful care, and then the beautiful Rossoshan striped apples for a long time will please their owners.

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