/ / "Lather up your neck": the meaning of phraseology and examples

"Soap your neck": the meaning of phraseology and examples

Often a person wants to soap his neck?This desire is normal, if it concerns a shower or a bath. But as soon as it comes to someone else, the meaning of phraseology becomes sinister. Consider it.

The professional secrets of the executioners

Когда-то давным-давно убивать людей было таким же routine occupation, as today shift papers in the office or write articles for the newspaper. Professional killers, like all people, wanted comfortable working conditions. Therefore, in order for the head of the condemned person to go to the rope without any troubles and worries, the latter was greased with soap by usual. But the converse is also true: if you lather the neck of a convict, then there will be no problems either.

soap your neck

True, for the present times this is no longer true,because in Russia, for example, there is a moratorium on the death penalty, and in those countries where "higher measure" is allowed, other methods are used: shootings, lethal injections. The latter are considered a more "humane" way to move to another world. By the way, the neck when hanging, too, breaks quite quickly.


Таким образом, когда человека ждет жестокая и bloody reprisal, he is promised a date with soap, but the bath here has absolutely nothing to do with it. There are so many situations. For example, when a schoolchild was to prepare lessons for tomorrow, and instead he chases the ball in the yard, an angry father promises to soap his neck. In this case, it means a family scandal or a serious conversation with the future star of football.

phraseology lather your neck

But when it comes to a stranger, thenphraseological means most often violence. For example, a father does not like a young man's daughter, and when she comes home too late, in the opinion of the parent, he promises the gentleman to soap his neck the next time. Of course, this kind of threats, as a rule, do not occur, but the father must express his concern for the fate of his daughter.


Now almost do not say so.Whether because few people are aware of the meaning of phraseology, or because this speech turnover is considered old-school, in other words, old-fashioned. Now they are more straightforward, because with the invective vocabulary, such a feeling, they took off the taboo. People no longer hesitate to swear on the matter and without it. Some believe that this makes them adults, others simply do not taste. And how it would be good if people remembered the phraseology "to soap up the neck" and would use it, rather than vulgar, rude expressions. Perhaps, there will still be a renaissance of the great and mighty Russian language. It's a pity that we probably will not have to live in this beautiful time. Although, maybe, still lucky?

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