/ / Importance of kisses and their importance in relationships

The Importance of Kisses and Their Importance in Relationships

At all times, kisses were considered not onlytouching the lips. These touches were of great importance, because with their help you could convey your feelings and desires. And to this day we use a kiss in order to convey to our dear and desired person our emotions. The meaning of kisses can be different.

In fact, the kiss is not as simple as it seems.In ancient times, he was considered a real work of art. Along with the language of gestures, there was also the so-called tongue of kisses, through which it was possible to convey a secret message to another person.

For example, the kiss of the hand was considered a sign of respect,respect and friendship. That is why men have always kissed a woman's hand during an acquaintance or a meeting, demonstrating her attitude towards her. In addition, it was a wonderful occasion to flirt with the lady I liked.

A light kiss on the cheek symbolized the desire to betogether with the longed-for person. At all times, a kiss on the lips was explained as a true declaration of love. The value of kisses in the nose is also very symbolic and denotes attachment, sympathy and enthusiasm for a person.

To date, some people are veryunpleasant associations cause a kiss on the forehead. Its meaning is often associated with the farewell kiss of the deceased. In fact, in this way people have always expressed concern for a person, tenderness and a desire to protect a loved one.

Passionate French kisses symbolizethe desire to completely surrender to the beloved, to allow him to possess himself. Gentle kisses on the neck indicate that the person wants intimacy. The value of kisses in the ear is also quite original, because that's how a person tries to say that he simply plays.

As you can see, knowing the meaning of kisses, you can learn a lot about a man. Unfortunately, such a peculiar ethic has long ago become a thing of the past.

It is also interesting that the fact that different peopleshave their own traditions that relate to this remarkable process. For example, the Eskimos simply rub their noses sensually, believing that mixing their breaths is the most penetrating act. Interesting and a technique called "butterfly kiss", during which a person with short swings of eyelashes caresses the skin of his partner.

A lot can be said about a person, taking inattention to his manner of kissing. For example, if during this act a man "attacks" the female lips, while trying to completely subordinate it to himself, it means that he is a passionate lover, but with more serious relationships, problems may arise.

A kiss where a man constantly holds backhimself and absolutely controls his emotions, says that he is a very reliable companion, but one can hardly wait for an all-consuming passion from him.

The same people who try to merge when kissingwhole body with their partner, striving for maximum contact, as a rule, are considered ideal companions, they are reliable, loyal, sensual and tender.

There are also many interesting scientificFacts About Kisses. For example, it is believed that people who do this often live longer and feel much better. The fact is that during the merger of the lips in the human body rises a real hormonal storm, which has a positive effect on the general condition and mood of kissing people.

At all times and in all cultures just kissattached great importance. The kissing technique is described in some philosophical treatises, the most famous of which is considered the "Kama Sutra", in which, by the way, many types of such techniques are described, as well as the meaning of kisses.

Kiss is a very important part of a relationship, sohow you can use it to convey your feelings, open up to your loved one, and also fully surrender yourself to his power. Do not neglect this wonderful gift and forget that the value of kisses in everyday life is simply enormous.

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