/ / What questions can you ask a guy on the first date?

What questions can you ask a guy on the first date?

A miracle happened!You were offered a stroll gorgeous handsome, on which you sighed the last couple of years. The spirit captures? Do your knees tremble with excitement? Say "stop," otherwise there is a chance that by your stress you will spoil the impression of yourself.

Behavior on a First Date

what questions can you ask the guy
Your first meeting may be overshadowed by severalfactors. For example, senseless meticulousness or excessive talkativeness. No, of course, you should not be silent, but you do not need to talk too much. Now we will talk about what questions one can ask a guy on the first date, so as not to seem stupid or too curious lady. After all, would you like the first date not to be the last?

How to ask an interesting question to a guy?

Experts do not recommend talking without stopping,vzahleb, not giving and the word to interlace the interlocutor. By this you will show only your bad manners and boorish behavior, than you can easily scare off a partner. Speak harmoniously, without stuttering, do small gaps to give something to tell the guy if he needs it. There are some topics that you should not talk about at all. It:

- former relations;

- the size of the salary;

- his attitude towards his parents;

- why at the moment he does not have a girlfriend;

- how he sees his future.

Of course, if your partner himself starts a conversation aboutsomething like this, you can safely ask him about all of the above. But to show initiative in such conversations to girls is not recommended. So what questions can you ask a guy so that everything went smoothly and your relationship developed?

ask an interesting question to a guy
Find out his interests and hobbies.What is his favorite city, the genre of the movie, the direction in music, the breed of dogs, the sport and much more. How does he entertain, what kind of profession he dreamed of as a child. One of the most unpleasant moments on the date is the time when your companion parted and tells you about his past life unhurriedly, when he did not have you yet, while his eyes glittered joyfully. Do not get upset immediately, try to kiss him. By this action you will return the guy now. Perhaps, it will be happier for him than what he was so lively about several minutes ago.

What questions can the guy ask on intimate topics?

the girl asks the guy a question
For a start, you can ask what his ideal is,what qualities he values ​​in a woman, what he seeks for himself. When a girl asks a guy a question about sex, it does not characterize her from the negative side. Usually such questions are not discussed on the first date, as this topic excites, excites fantasy and assumes a rapid development of events, but if you are ready for that, then go ahead. Find out your partner's favorite poses, find out what he does not like and what he would like to try. Of course, if you are shy, then most likely, do not pick up such a delicate topic.

In some cases it is better to be silent, warmlylook at your partner, gently kiss, just walk around, holding hands, than to torment and wonder what questions you can ask a guy and which can not. After all, in our lives actions are more valued, and not empty talk. Finally, I would like to wish you sincere and mutual love. Be happy!

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