/ / Legends of the past deep: wedding loaves - recipe for a recipe

Loyalty of the past is deep: wedding loaves - recipe for a recipe

Meet dear guests with bread and salt -the oldest tradition of the Slavs. Until now, this beautiful custom has survived in the post-Soviet space and is very often observed on various holidays and solemn occasions. Bread is a symbol of life, generosity, cordiality, hospitality. Salt - the personification of friendliness, sincerity, joy of the meeting (in Russia, for example, it was always expensive, and treating it meant that the owners share the most valuable thing they have). This is the meaning of this tradition. Particularly significant was the ritual for wedding ceremonies.

wedding karavai recipe

Wedding for wedding

When wedding buns were baked, their recipetried to choose so that the bread turned out to be especially tasty, sweet, lush. After all, the more successful he was, the more united and strong the new family was. Carefully baked, with a ruddy appetizing crust and stupefying aroma, decorated with intricate patterns, he accompanied the young to the church and with a bow greeted the parents in the doorway of the house where the spouse brought his tapered. Moreover, the wedding karavai recipe had a secret: often a dough was pawned in the dough. And if it was given to some of the male guests, the bride bestowed on the kiss. And if she found in her piece of her woman - that kissed the groom. Well, I came across one of the newlyweds - that could be kissed by the guests themselves. It turned out to be fun, funny, funny, which, of course, corresponded to the general mood of the wedding.

We bake together: recipe number 1

And now more on how to cookwedding karavai. The recipe is the first. For the test, you will need: 1 kg of wheat flour of the highest grade, yeast - 50 g, milk - 200-250 g, butter - 75 g, sugar - 150-200 g, eggs - 1 piece, salt - tea spoon. Milk slightly warm, add the yeast and other ingredients and knead the dough. Cover it and put it for 2 hours in a warm place. When the mass increases in volume, podbit and again leave it for another half an hour. Then again, hit. After that, take it out of a bowl, roll it into a bowl shape and put under a clean towel, let it go. If you need a certain number of wedding loaves, the recipe recommends increasing the number of products in half, and so on. Then it is necessary to give the test the appropriate form, separating part of it for decoration.

how to make a wedding loaf

For this purpose, the following symbolism is suitable:horseshoes, rings, swans, hearts. In general, the design of the wedding caravan is a delicate matter, it should be thought out in advance. Figures are molded from the test intended for this purpose. And on the surface of the bread you can squeeze out flowers, leaves, ears, birds, curls. It remains to attach the figures, smear the loaf with the beaten egg and bake in the oven until cooked at a temperature of 240 degrees. A loaf is served on an embroidered towel or a smart, beautiful napkin. Often ribbons and flowers are tied to it.

loaf on the wedding table

We bake together: recipe number 2

How to make a wedding loaf yet?For a new recipe you need: flour - 8 glasses or a little more (850 g-1 kg), dry yeast - 20-25 g, butter - 100-120 grams, half a glass of milk, 10 eggs, 6 glasses of sugar, 50 grams of salt, 1 lemon peel and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Knead and prepare the dough. Part select for decoration, from the bulk form a loaf. As an ornament weave braids, form leaves, etc., attach to the surface of the bread. Leave it in this form for lifting, then oil it with an egg and bake it.

wedding decoration

Merry weddings, and let your loaves be the most beautiful and delicious!

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