/ / Wedding in emerald color: decoration of the hall, images of the bride and groom

Wedding in emerald color: decoration of the hall, images of the bride and groom

Wedding celebration - the most exciting eventin the lives of young people and girls. Today it has become fashionable to make themed and "colorful" holidays. Especially popular is the wedding in emerald color. It is not surprising, because it is a bright and at the same time delicate shade, which, if properly designed, will decorate any celebration.

wedding in emerald color

Emerald color value

"Изумруд" дословно означает "сияние".Indeed, this stone is distinguished by an unusual pure radiance and brilliance. In psychology, it is believed that the emerald color, like green, gives peace of mind, positive emotions, stability and well-being.

At the time of the Indians in one of the tribes wasa huge emerald that they worshiped. According to legend, this stone brought good luck, defended the village from trouble and raids. The emerald was worshiped and brought gifts from other stones. He was considered the true king among the jewels.

So if you want to live a long family lifewithout adversity, the wedding in emerald color is the best option. The main thing is to think over all the details, because this shade does not tolerate mistakes, and the wrong combination with other colors can spoil everything.

wedding in emerald color decoration

Decoration of the hall

No matter how unusual the wedding was in emeraldcolor, design should be carefully thought out and matched. Every detail is important: from the dresses of the newlyweds and bridesmaids to invitations and menus. What is particularly worth paying attention to when decorating a room is a combination of colors. Each of these shades will favorably emphasize the wealth and exquisite taste of the heroes of the occasion:

  • noble gold;
  • white;
  • dark blue;
  • silver;
  • orange or yellow;
  • mint;
  • dark chocolate.

For example, you can use two additionalcolors: gold and white to arrange the hall and table. White tablecloths with emerald napkins and bows on the canopy of chairs perfectly complement the golden ribbons and cutlery. If desired, you can pick up glasses, vases and plates of green hue.

Hall is better to choose neutral colors, perfectWhite or dairy walls without a pattern will do. You can complement the design of emerald drapery walls and windows, the main thing - do not overdo it. It also looks beautiful emerald lights and accessories, like butterflies, waiters and guest cards.

The crown of any wedding becomes delicious andbeautiful cake. Ask the pastry chef to create a masterpiece with green icing for you. It will look very harmonious on the table and will surprise guests with an unusual design.

emerald wedding dress

Outfits young

Wedding in emerald color is not only a harmonious design of the hall, but also a competent choice of clothes and accessories for young people. There are several options that work equally well.

  1. You can pick up the emerald wedding dress andwhite suit groom. In this case, it is worth doing less green in the design of the hall, so as not to overdo it. You don't want to look like an elf in a green forest at your own wedding?
  2. Make the emerald color a profitable addition toclassic white dress and tuxedo. To do this, you can use green ribbons in the bride's hairstyle, groom's tie or bow tie, emerald shoes, small accessories like bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Don't forget about the ring pad. Let it also be an emerald hue.

emerald shoes

Particular attention should be paid to the bride's bouquet.It should be modest in contrast to luxurious outfits and decor. A small white bouquet of small roses, orchids or anemones looks very harmonious. If the celebration is in spring or summer, you can use lilies of the valley, peonies, dahlias or even alstroemeria for your bridal bouquet. Do not forget about the boutonniere for the groom. It should be combined with a bouquet, most often the buttonhole is made from the same flower that is used for the bride.

Guest outfits

Be sure to warn guests that youplanning decoration in the emerald scale. Let them pick the appropriate outfits. An important condition must be at least one accessory of a green shade. Then your wedding photos will look truly luxurious and royal.

For bridesmaids it is better to order the samedresses in Hollywood style. It will be on hand if you are planning a thematic photo shoot. The main thing is to take into account all the features of the figures of girls and choose a style that will look good on each of them. Men can also be offered to use a green shade tie.

wedding invitations in emerald color


Invitation to the wedding in emerald colormust also match the general mood. They can be made independently or printed in a printing house. If you want to stand out, order invitations from hand-made masters. They will make stunning cards on green paper or decorate them with emerald gold-embossed ribbons. In general, as you wish, and that enough imagination and skills.


Increasingly, instead of the usual shots, young people choose thematic photo sessions. It is no wonder, after all wedding photos will be memory for the rest of life. Here are some ideas for such filming:

  • For an away photo shoot, you can choose a fabuloustopic, such as the famous book about the wizard of Oz. True, it is necessary to work out the image of the bride, select accessories, entourage and find the appropriate landscape. But how many emotions!
  • Knights and princesses fit in well too.emerald wedding. However, preparation of this option requires much more, because not everywhere you can find at least a semblance of an ancient castle and a huge garden. But there will be no problems with renting horses and carriages.
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