pajama party

A pajama party is the best idea thatcan come to a head. Being an American tradition, it has got a good start in our country. All that is needed is just to create a party at home, at the dacha or at the club, but not just a get-together, but instead of wearing ordinary clothes, pajamas, a robe or a nightie. Everyone likes this holiday, because it's very fun. In order to organize a pajama party, you need to know in advance where to spend it, with whom, and what to do there ... The main thing is to set a goal and you will succeed. So, let's start in order ...


The pajama party is funpastime with a certain theme, with exactly what you can understand from the title. Guests must necessarily come in pajamas, this is the so-called dress code, without which simply the entrance to the holiday will be closed. And where do you feel best in pajamas? Of course, at home! So we decided WHERE. Now it's up to the little one - it is necessary to prepare the house for the arrival of guests. It is necessary to find in the house a place where all those who have come can sit. Do not forget about the most necessary attributes of the party: plush bears, pillows, soft rugs - without them it will not be a holiday!


It is necessary to determine that youyou will drink and eat. A good drink of our childhood hot chocolate, as well as fondue, as it is a very unusual dish and surely it will gather all the guests at the table, will fit into the pajama party. Pizza, ice-cream and homemade pies with different fillings are also good. If we talk about drinks, then there is no single solution: someone prefers juices, and some do not even spit with alcohol, but it's better not to joke about it, and if it so happened that you still used this hot drink, then you need to know the measure. After all, there is so much more to come. It would be foolish if one of the guests falls asleep and misses all the most important things.

Reasons, or what to entice

How to hold a pajama party so that there is notboring? Of course, having organized an entertainment program with a lot of games. If you can not think of a reason to organize a pajama party, and you only come up with a birthday and a hen party, then it's best to prepare several games for it in advance. But here everything depends on what company will come to your holiday. If they are old friends, with whom the meetings are not so often, it is worthwhile to invite them to look at the album with photos or to recall interesting stories from life. If the guests are so close to you that they even know many facts from your daily life, you can do the simplest thing - to wash the bones of your beloved men.

You can also arrange evening divination orto equip in the bedroom in front of a mirror an improvised beauty salon, after downloading from the Internet recipes of various face masks, for example, from fruit. Also a good reason for the party will be the painting of nails with the help of varicolored varnishes or the construction of unusual hairstyles. And such popular games among modern youth as "Mafia", "Crocodile" and "Monopoly" will not leave anyone indifferent. In any case, how to arrange a pajama party is up to you.

Why pajamas?

And the last thing, why pajamas?Why not evening dresses or, for example, school uniform? The name of the meeting "Pajama party" speaks for itself. And all because pajamas, which is a long formless pants and a loose T-shirt, is a real classic! With her help you can hide all the shortcomings of your body, she will hide in her folds all the excess ice cream and cream rolls you eat. Moreover, pajamas cause an association with something homely and very cozy, which means it is completely liberated.

So, everything is ready! The pajama party should pass to glory! Do not forget to prepare a camera to capture the most important moments of the holiday, and you will have something to remember!

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