/ Vector Relationships in Marriage.

Vector relationships in marriage.

To each of you in life there were couples, inwhich clearly traced the leader and subordinate or, as the astrologers say, "master" and "servant". Often such a relationship is a crazy strain of passion. Even when you meet these people for the first time, you already understand that something is wrong with them. Such a union can not be explained from the point of view of logic - it is from the realm of the incomprehensible, irrational.

There are many examples of such fatalunions: Yesenin and Duncan, George Sand and Alfred de Musset. However, in these cases we are talking about people of creative professions, for whom being at the peak of emotions is a great blessing, which can not be said about an ordinary married couple.

In this case, the experts are completely right,arguing that such relations are destructive for both partners. Life in a powder store with a lighted match is a dubious pleasure even for two. What can we say about a family in which there are children. However, breaking a vicious circle is sometimes very difficult. In the relations "master servant" is too strong a psychological dependence of the latter. Often, without help, he can not do. However, vector relations exhaust the second partner.

Note that it is difficult for such pairs to be given exactlyliving together at the domestic level. When vector people create a creative or business union, it is usually doomed to success. Remember at least the most famous writer's duet - Ilf and Petrov. It is believed that for creativity in the horoscope meets the Small Ring, which begins with the sign of Capricorn.

However, let us return to the topic of our article - synastry.It should be noted that the vector relationships are especially complex in family couples where there are coincidences not only for the year, but also for the month.

In such cases, marriage has a negative,destroying power. From the "master" is a powerful psychological pressure. "Servant", in turn, makes attempts to escape from the yoke, but time after time returns, forgives the tyrant and it all begins again. However, astrologers still leave hope to such a pair of lovers, assuring that the right choice of the marriage date can save such a marriage.

Fatal novel

In the initial stage, the vector relations are almostalways seem perfectly flawless, not only for others, but for the participants themselves. However, the dominant type (the "master") quickly takes up the position assigned to him in this pair by the stars themselves. It is especially difficult for women to make such an alliance. As emotional beings, they are too hard to experience such an attitude on the part of a loved one. Often, the fateful relationship of the couple is held on the sexual component. Among other things, the "servant" for the "master" is an excellent source of energy (by the way, it is thanks to this effect that astrologers paid attention to the so-called vector rings).

Usually people should get used to each other,to get used to, and only after that they receive a certain limit of trust from the partner. If you use the language of poetic metaphors, in order to get the keys from the heart, you need to make a lot of effort.
At the same time, vector relations are similardynamite, which instantly blows the door together with the wall, and, it happens, as with the roof. It would seem that such a spiritual unity, mutual understanding and passion can only be dreamed of. However, what is wonderful for a short novel is completely unacceptable for a married life.

Well, in such a close intertwining of two individualsto see a separate person? Full mutual absorption not only erases the face, but also undermines the physical and mental health of both partners. Note that this energy whirlpool has nothing to do with the concept of "compatibility of spouses." In such a pair, partners are equally unbearable, and together, and separately.

The only way to avoid degradation -break the vicious circle of vector relations. Consoles only one thing - there are very few such pairs. Therefore, even having found signs of your relatives or friends among vector chains, do not rush to draw conclusions.

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