/ / Competitions For the Wedding: Let the Guests Do not Miss!

Contests for the Wedding: Let the Guests Do not Miss!

Now, when the celebration of the reunion of the newlyweds began to be perceived by people as something necessary, often the newlyweds have a pressing question: How and where to conduct the wedding? Unfortunately, in recent times, fewThe brothers are thinking about an interesting and original place for such an important holiday. Most often, all guests are collected from someone at home or at the dacha or rented premises for organizing a banquet.

That's why, about original competitions andgifts for the wedding and speech does not go. To create a cheerful mood for the guests, the newlyweds are hired by an experienced toastmaster, who organizes wedding contests that have not changed in his repertoire for 10-15 years. Of course, one can not say with certainty that such wedding contests are absolutely useless to anyone. On the contrary, the good old jokes are held by the audience to "cheers." But the young couple during the celebration of the wedding want to see something quite unusual and memorable for the whole future life together. If you want to find out unique and really interesting wedding contests, then you should finish reading the article to the end.

Currently on various sites on the Internetyou can find a huge amount of different information on the most romantic and original ways of holding contests at the wedding, but many of these contest performances are not really tested in practice. Below are the 3 most interesting, in my opinion, competition, which can be taken with confidence even by the most experienced toastmaster.

"How I Met My Wife"

All competitions for the wedding are divided according to their stylefor 2 types - competitions for guests and competitions for the newlyweds. This competition is very interesting for the newlyweds at the wedding festivities. It allows you to have fun throughout the wedding celebration. Specially Designated toastmaster on the holiday asks one of the guests to give himhis favorite wristwatch, which he will need in order to clearly show how our groom lived in the period before he met his bride. Then the toastman begins to lay out all the watches given to him in a row on the floor, and the groom is blindfolded at this time. After that, he is offered to approach the clock, and stepping over them, try not to step on. Before the very beginning of the test, when the eyes of our groom are not yet tied up, the clock must be removed.

After the clock was laid out, the guests amicablybegin to prompt the groom where to step and what to do, and also can even shout at him and laugh at the sight of his awkward movements. Sometimes it will seem that he is about to step on one of the hours, and thus the groom will constantly writhe with laughter and move rather awkwardly, causing a storm of laughter. Tamada, who was elected at the wedding, at the same time must constantly say that, they say, that's exactly so before the wedding went groom before he met his wife and finally received his sight. This competition is usually accompanied by a laugh and a storm of applause.

"We do not need extra people"

Contests for the wedding on this principle are changingoften, and very much remind everyone of the well-known children's type of game "Superfluous left". In order to conduct this competition, it is necessary to select from 5 to 6 people from the entire list of guests. Then the glasses will be put on the table, and with each round of the competition one glass will become smaller. All glasses or glasses filled with any liquor that is at the celebration of the wedding. Tamada gives people at the table a team, and contestants begin to walk around him.

After the presenter stops rhythmicmusic, each of the participants must grab any of the wine glasses and immediately drink it. That person who was left without a shot should go out of the game. After that, one glass is removed, and the wedding contest continues again. In the end, around the table there are only two participants and one glass. The winner is the participant who first grabs the last glass and can drink it. Since the game goes without snacks, and the participants are constantly drinking a glass in each round, not everyone will be able to withstand this test. Yes, and running around the table in the last round can not much resemble the usual walking around in a circle.

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