/ / 20 years of wedding: how to celebrate the porcelain anniversary?

20 years of wedding: how to celebrate the porcelain anniversary?

20 years of wedding - a very important period of marriage.The symbol of this anniversary is porcelain and this has its own explanation. First, he recalls that conjugal love and understanding are very beautiful and graceful, but nonetheless fragile and need attention and care. On the other hand, china has always been a symbol of wealth and wealth. Only the real wealth of spouses is 20 years lived together.

How to celebrate 20 years of wedding?Like any important date, the porcelain anniversary has its own traditions. You need to spend this day with your family, inviting children, grandchildren, neighbors and close friends to the celebration.

You need to be very attentive to the decorationrooms, table setting and cooking. At one time on this day, a man, like a real getter, had to hunt and bring home game. In the modern world, this is not always possible. But the spouse, at least, should go to the butcher shop and choose the meat for the preparation of the main course. As for the wife, she is obliged to bake homemade bread or buns, which will be a symbol of her thrift.

Есть и еще одна, очень важная примета.It is believed that having lived together for 20 years, the spouses have already achieved prosperity. Therefore, everything that will be in the room during the celebration should belong to them. Therefore, if you have any family things that have passed into your possession from your parents, then at the time they need to be taken out of the room. A very good sign is considered a tablecloth embroidered personally by the wife, or some piece of furniture that the owner of the house made.

Table setting is also very important. After all, on this day, all tableware should be china and, preferably, new.

As for snacks, then on the table necessarilyThere should be homemade cakes - pies, bread, buns, gingerbread, cookies. Ideally, the main dish is simple and uncomplicated, made from meat. Alcoholic drinks at the celebration of 20 years of wedding should be a little, while compotes, kissels and tea - more.

Сценарий юбилея 20 лет свадьбы будет неполным без solemn tea party. Remember that porcelain came to us from the East, so it would be nice to organize a real Chinese tea party. Ask in advance about the rites and traditions of Eastern culture. This, by the way, will be a wonderful entertainment for guests and a real sacrament for spouses.

What to give for 20 years of wedding?The symbol of 20 years of wedding is porcelain, so it is desirable that your gifts to spouses be from this material. Mandatory gift is a tea or coffee porcelain set. Plates, coasters or other porcelain tableware are perfect.

In any case, your gifts shouldsymbolize family comfort. You can donate some traditional thing for Eastern culture, for example, a beautiful kimono. Whatever you are going to present, remember that in any case, you should bring something porcelain into the house, for example, a beautiful statuette or other souvenir.

On this day, spouses must also give a friendfriend symbolic gifts. For example, the husband is simply obliged to give his beloved some kitchen utensils - a set of pots, beautiful towels or an apron. For the spouse, however, other gifts are suitable - a soft bathrobe, a beautiful bookshelf or a coffee table. Such a symbolic exchange of things should demonstrate how well this married couple learned each other.

Remember porcelain wedding is funtriumph. At the table should be heard cheerful conversation, pleasant and sometimes funny memories from childhood, sincere wishes of happiness and family understanding. Still, 20 years together is a great achievement that you need to admire and respect.

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