In the event that partners are forced to some kind oftime to live away from each other, then they need to exert as much effort as possible in order to maintain their relationship. Love at a distance is a feeling that you need to prove every day. So many people of the past claimed. Now more and more people are asking questions about what love is at a distance, is it possible at all, etc. The answer to this question is one. Yes, love is at a distance if young people feel sincere feelings for each other.
Непредвиденные обстоятельства могут сделать так, that partners should be far apart. But, it should be noted that nothing can stop them from communicating. In today's world, there are a huge number of ways to keep people in touch. First of all, this is a mobile phone. In addition there is e-mail, Skype and social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc.). Using these devices, lovers will be able to communicate, albeit virtually.
It should be noted that all conversations betweenpartners should not smoothly boil down to how they are lonely and lonely without each other. You need to talk about how the day went, what you learned about the new, with whom you met, what was successful, and what is not, what events raised or worsened the mood, etc. Think about the sad can not, because it only spoils the mood of both lovers. It is always important to remember that love exists at a distance.
In the event that one of the partnersa new hobby, it must be supported. You can even begin to do the same. But in any case you can not blame your lover (yu). It will destroy love from a distance.
Очень часто пары, в которой молодые люди не могут be close, disintegrate because of constant jealousy and mistrust. Suspicions of treachery plague people, and this, in turn, does not lead to anything good. Spending the time to look for any signs of infidelity and to various nitpicking is not at all worth it. Instead, it is better to tell your partner that you need it, that it is dear to you, etc. Love at a distance, the psychology of which says what partners need to do in order to preserve their happiness, allows you to decide on their actions.
Молодые люди, оказавшиеся далеко друг от друга, should not forget that they need to maintain a sexual interest in each other. After all, without this, you can easily turn from partners in all senses of the word, into ordinary friends. Each pair has its own limits for sexual relations. But in most cases, some of them are the same. For example, young people can use a mobile phone. In this case, it is suitable for two cases. First, this is sex on the phone. The second in this situation is to send each other candid photos of an erotic nature. You can also write stories for adults, which is a very close affinity. All of the above can make partners more attractive in the eyes of each other. It will also help to ensure that young people, even in their thoughts, could not assume sex on the side. Well, if the partners will discuss their studies, which are waiting for them during the meeting. So the days without each other will pass much faster and easier.
Lovers should try as much as possibletalk about a joint future. This will affect the fact that partners will be sure - they need their half. And this will have a good effect on the relationship as a whole and will make it so that the pair had less painful quarrels because of jealousy and misunderstanding. One should not be afraid of distance, because if fate has given love, it must be accepted with gratitude in any case.