/ / White cabinet: the virtues of color

White cabinet: the virtues of color

The color of furniture is crucial in creating an interior. Having installed a white cabinet in a small room, you can visually increase it, make it lighter and more spacious.

Advantages of white furniture

Such furniture is perfect for anypremises in an apartment, a country house or an office. The room, the interior of which is made in light colors, the wardrobe in white execution will give a special romanticism and a sense of purity. As a result of the lack of contrast between furniture and walls, the room visually acquires large dimensions.

white wardrobe

If the walls are brightly colored, then the white wardrobe in thethis room will add energy, positive, effectively in harmony with other shades. A more conservative option, suitable for those who are important traditions, is considered a combination with gold. In the children's room, white furniture contributes to the development of the child's imagination and style. This color acts soothingly on the nervous system and helps relieve tension.

White wardrobe

This type of furniture is universal, perfectfits into the modern interior and complements it. The closet has a very large capacity, at the same time occupying a much smaller space, in contrast to the swing space, which is especially true for small apartments. Mirror doors in combination with white color help not only visually expand the room, but also create an amazing atmosphere.

It is worth noting and practicality of the white cabinet, refuting the myth that against such background any dirt and dust is more noticeable. In fact, dirt is more visible on a dark surface.

A special mechanism for opening the doors of such a cabinet allows you to place it in any place, since it does not require additional space.

white wardrobe

Cupboard for the hallway

In a modern interior, where highly regardedminimalism, white furniture occupies a special place, with numerous advantages. It can have many different shades, allowing you to choose a wardrobe in accordance with the design of the room - milk, pearl, cotton, etc. Very stylish and stylish looks in the hallway in black and white. It looks great white wardrobe with black sides and a mirror framed in a frame of the same color.

Correctly arranged furniture in the hallway, you canmake it much lighter and more comfortable. It is not recommended to put a white cabinet next to the furniture brown or black, or against the wall, covered with dark wallpaper. Such a contrast is permissible only in the office.

A great solution for saving spaceThe small hallway is the closet. Performed in white, it looks particularly elegant and ambitious, if equipped with a mirror door. The spaciousness of such a cabinet allows you to hide in it both outer clothing and boxes with shoes. In addition, it can have a depth of up to 45 cm, which makes such furniture very popular with owners of small modern apartments.

Care of white furniture

Many consumers refuse to buy themselveslike elements of the interior, mistakenly believing that such furniture will require a lot of time and too expensive means to clean it. In fact, a white cabinet, table or sofa is made for use in a city apartment. Surfaces are treated with special dirt repellent compounds, which greatly simplifies the process of care for light furniture.

white glossy cabinet

The traditional solution will be a cabinet with matte whitecoated. But lovers of following fashion trends in design will certainly prefer glossy furniture. In this case it is necessary to know about some peculiarities of care for this kind of surfaces. In the fight against dust, which so likes these coatings, special antistatics will help, forming on the surface of the cabinet the thinnest film that does not allow the accumulation of electric charges, and the dust does not settle so quickly. There are means containing solvents, designed to get rid of fatty spots. Often, under the influence of sunlight, the varnish covering the cabinet can become dull. White gloss will help to keep in this case the most common wax.

Proper care of the white cabinet can significantly increase the life of the cabinet.

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