/ / How to apologize to receive it?

How to apologize to receive it?

Very often in our life there are familydrama, quarrel, loss of friends, and all this because we do not know how to ask for forgiveness. It's not enough to say "sorry". This must be done consciously, sincerely, sincerely, so that the abuser does not have ways to go and there is not a grain left of grief. We will understand the article, how to ask for forgiveness correctly.

Let's consider three basic rules

Do not be afraid - you are in no wayhumiliate your dignity, but just apologize for a specific offense. Yes, it is difficult to do, because action means admission of guilt. The main thing is to realize the error.

So, to the rules. To be forgiven:

  1. Do not make excuses. When you begin to excuse yourself and look for excuses, thereby transfer responsibility to another person, and this, in turn, repels your opponent.
  2. Do not demand anything. It often happens that they first ask forgiveness, and then they say: "Well, you are also to blame, now apologize to me." Of course, there can not be any talk about forgiveness.
  3. Do not blame. Sometimes emotions take precedence, and then instead of apologizing, you start remembering old grievances. This can not be done in any case. After all, it will be a vicious circle.

The main thing is not to make any claims and not justify yourself. And, of course, you need to be sincere, to look your opponent in the eyes. Let's give some tips on how to ask for forgiveness correctly.

how to apologize

Psychologists' recommendations

According to psychologists, it is important not only to remain sincere, you need to correctly choose the time and place. So, how to ask for forgiveness:

  • First of all, it is necessary not only to accept, but alsoto realize their guilt. In a situation it is necessary to understand. But it can also happen that you are not to blame. After all, everyone has his own truth. But is it worth, sometimes because of the nonsense, to lose dear relations to you? Take the first step towards it.
  • It is necessary to think not about yourself and about your own feelings, but about the health of another person. You do not need to save his wounds, if you are going to ask for forgiveness insincerely.
  • Try to look at the situation from the outside, put yourself in the place of the offended.
  • Think in advance how you will becomeApologize. It is necessary to speak clearly and concisely, clearly. Try to convey to your opponent your apologies, say that you understand the feelings of the offended.
  • Do not weave third parties.
  • Do not take on someone else's or exaggerate their guilt.
  • Do not be intrusive.If the abuser is not ready to accept an apology, do not pursue him, do not give reasons why you should be listened to. You do not need to put pressure on a person. Everyone has the right to choose.

And, of course, you need to apologize right away.The further to delay this event, the more difficult it is to pray for forgiveness. Mistrust to you will grow. Be prepared for the opponent not to accept your apology. Do not despair - this is his right. Perhaps he needs time to realize and make a decision. If he begins to raise his voice and insult, calmly listen, thank and take leave. At least your conscience will be clear, you have done everything you could.

A quarrel with your beloved

What words to choose?

We learn how to properly ask for forgiveness.The important thing is how you start talking. The wording of the appeal should be maximally expanded, for example: "I want to ask you to forgive me." The word "want" shows that you sincerely express the desire to apologize, and nobody forces you to do this. Avoid phrases: "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me", "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry".

Tell at least three times that you are guilty.Only the second time you will be heard, and the third will be believed. Draw conclusions. Promise the opponent that this will not happen again, convincingly, so that you will be believed. But at the same time you need to clearly understand that you keep your word.

At the end of your apology, you can offer as a compensation for moral damage a gift in the role of which flowers, money or any other present can come forth.

How to properly ask forgiveness and respond to Forgiveness Sunday?

The last day of the Shrovetide week gives an excellentthe opportunity to stop and remember who you offended, and apologize. For many, the holiday has become a fashionable tradition. People say words of forgiveness without putting any meaning, soul and awareness. But you can not even know about the grievances that are hiding on us.

A person can be offended not only by action, but alsoin a word, and a glance. Therefore, to ask forgiveness in Forgiven Sunday is necessary for all of their friends. The first is done by a senior in rank or age. First, they ask forgiveness from those who are offended by indecisiveness, then from those with whom a complex relationship has developed. Answer the phrase "forgive me" with the words "God will forgive."

Forgiveness Sunday

And how to apologize to a girl?

It does not matter, the former asks for forgiveness or the spouse, the guy. It must be done sincerely. Let's consider often made mistakes. How to proceed:

  1. Let it cool down. It is important that the girl moved away and calmed down, you can wait a day or two.
  2. Apologizing, it is not necessary to go over to the offensive and say the reply phrase: "But you ... You're the first to start ..." and so on. This will only aggravate the conflict situation and will not give a result.
  3. Do not stumble, be persistent and determined.
  4. You do not have to fall to your knees and play a performance. Give a bouquet, or better make a surprise. To do this, use the courier delivery with a nice sincere message in the card.
  5. If the girl asks why you did this, answer simply: "Because a fool."

Asking forgiveness from your beloved is better in your own words. Let's consider some variants:

  • Honey, forgive me, for God's sake. I do not know what's gotten into me, some kind of turbidity. I realized that I can not live even minutes without you, give me the opportunity to fix it.
  • Darling, I know that I committed a terrible offense, but I realized everything. It's hard for me without you, unbearably sad.
  • I understand that you are angry with me. Yes, I'm a fool, sorry, and very guilty, I was wrong, that I put my anger on you. Let's meet and spend the evening together.
  • Forgive me, sweetheart, let's not waste time on grievances. I sincerely realized my guilt and very much hope for your prudence and great loving heart.

It does not matter whether you say the words when you meet, by phone or ask for forgiveness in SMS messages. The main thing is that they are sincere and go from the heart.

Asking forgiveness from a girl

Variants of apology in verse

You can find poetry on the Internet, and it's better to write it yourself. Let it come out and not very well, but from the heart. For example:

  • I love you unlimitedly, I want to cry about feelings. Hear me, beloved angel! Sorry! Can not wait to hug you!
  • Forgive me, my love. I was a fool, repent and regret. I'll go to all to redeem the blame. Give me a chance, I'll prove it to you!
  • From separation it is painful and melancholy. From the act I feel sick. I am afraid of losing you very much. Without you I'll be at the bottom.
  • You're the best thing in my life! You are a ray of light and my love. I stumbled, I'm a fool, seriously! Let me see you again!
  • Answer me, please, do not be silent! I realized my mistake. I'll fix everything, I'll find the keys! And I'll open your heart again.
  • I betrayed you, there is no forgiveness for me. I dare not ask you for a chance. Just know that I love you. And I regret endlessly about what happened.

If in the heart of a girl there is still a flame of love, then it is still possible to kindle it into a great flame. The main thing - do not give up.


Take advantage of social networks

We considered options for asking for forgiveness in verse, but there are still ways. So:

  • Record the video with a declaration of love and awareness of the error and place it on the "VKontakte" page, for example.
  • Throw in postcards with sincere words.
  • Hang a touching status on your page.
  • And you can read poetry under a beautiful melody.

There are many ways to ask for forgiveness. The main thing is to really want it. But you can not blame and lie, otherwise you will not have a second chance.

If none of the methods help?

Let's say you asked for forgiveness correctly, but sheclings like a rock. Do not give up. So, she needs time to cool down and recover. Be patient. If the offense was strong, then it is better, of course, to explain yourself in person. You can also:

  • Meet from work and take to your favorite restaurant or to your holy place.
  • Deliver the courier desired gift.
  • Arrange fireworks under the windows.
  • To paint with balloons all the asphalt in front of her house.

Include fantasy in your work.If your surprise is unexpected and sincere - she certainly appreciates it, and, probably, will forgive it soon. So, now we know how to ask forgiveness from your beloved. And how to melt the heart of a man?

A gift to apologies

It is necessary to pick up the moment

Of course, it's better to apologize right after the quarrel.But the focus is still on your man. Someone needs to cool down and recover, and with someone else the conflict must be resolved immediately, otherwise it will grow like a snowball, turning into an avalanche.

There are several practical tips

So, how to properly ask forgiveness from a guy:

  1. Look only in the eyes, be sincere.
  2. Apologizing, do not go over the line charges and claims.
  3. Speak calmly. Never shout, control emotions.
  4. Stop on time.The young man, after listening, may not give any reaction. But this does not mean that he did not forgive you. Perhaps he needs time to think, and you will begin to grumble and speak out in anger. Then you will definitely ruin everything.
  5. Show the female trick, hug, kiss, cook his favorite dish. And better arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight. In the end, you can start up a tear, but only sincere.
  6. Address to him by name, so the information is better acquired.
  7. Apologizing, you should not remember his belovedsins And to begin with the words: “Of course, I am guilty, but ...”. This will immediately cause him dissatisfaction, because he will understand that you are trying to shield yourself.

Еще один совет:You should not look at the examples of apologies of your girlfriend or mother. All people are different and require an individual approach that you know better than others. To apologize to a guy via SMS is not the best idea, but to arrange a meeting is an ideal option. And yet, if you decide to send a message:

  • You do not need to write immediately after a quarrel and get your loved one calls. This will piss off even more.
  • If the discord is not serious, you canwrite a funny message. Strong controversy will not be able to beg so easily. You can convey to your beloved that you acknowledge guilt and feel the pain of separation.
  • No need to shout about frantic love. Leave all these lyrics for later. Do not blame him for what happened, do not demand changes in the character. All this will only close the circle of misunderstanding and resentment.

Do not forget that SMS messages and social networks are the means to convey the message that you want a personal meeting. Do not reveal all the secrets.

Beloved breakfast

Consider the mistakes made

What not to do:

  • Resolve the conflict by phone or via SMS.
  • To sustain a long pause. It is necessary to think that a loving person, especially in a quarrel, is bad not only morally, but even physically.
  • Never blackmail. Once with your packed suitcases, you can stay outside the door. And suicide attempts can completely turn away.
  • Do not drop dignity. You should not make tantrums, scandals - men do not like this.

You should always maintain common sense and exercise.wisdom. Do not chop off the shoulder. After all, one simple quarrel can serve as a reason for the hard parting. You need to be able to make concessions. So, we figured out how to ask for forgiveness correctly. Yes, you can use the advice of psychologists, girlfriend or parents, but the best decision you make yourself. Act intuitively and sincerely, as your heart tells you, and everything will work out.

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