/ / Dimensions of staircases: GOST, features and types

Dimensions of staircases: GOST, features and types

Stairs are the main type of communication between rooms located at different levels. All other structures (ramps, elevators) are considered special means of displacement.

The function of the stairs is to providemovement of people. This is a guarantee of their safety and comfort. Proceeding from this, in the process of erecting each such design the wizard is guided by the requirements and standards set out in the special GOST and SNiPe.

dimensions of staircases and platforms

Elements of the staircase

Despite the huge number of types and types, the stairs consist of several main components:

  • Ladder march (span).So called the inclined structure, which connects the two nearest floors. There is a limitation according to which in one span there should not be more than 12 steps. In this case, the minimum number is three steps.
  • The platform is a horizontally located element, mandatory for stairs of several marches.
  • Fencing - this mandatory component of the structure consists of balusters and railings. It is placed along one or two sides of the stairs. The type, height and location of fences are specified in the standards.

What is a landing and what is its role?

Лестничные площадки, размеры которых также governed by regulations, represent the space between two marches. The construction of the landing is necessary if the height of the linear march exceeds the permissible norm or the construction of two marches is planned at an angle to each other.

minimum size of the landing

The role of the landing is thatit becomes a kind of “transit point”, an intermediate element by which a rising person can rest. In addition, this component of the staircase is used for the organic combination of two flights of stairs.

On various staircases (straight,rotary, curvilinear) platforms are located every 10 - 14 steps. In the case of planning structures for residential premises, the interval can be 15 to 20 steps.

Dimensions of landings

Like many other parameters, width, depth andthe material of the landing is subject to regulation. At the heart of the development of all these rules is the concern for the safety and comfort of people who will use the design.

  • For each type of stairs, there are corresponding staircases. Their sizes are calculated on the basis of the average width of a human step.
  • Standards note that their width can not be steps. In extreme cases, for example, when developing an individual project, the minimum width of the site should be 640 mm.
  • To join two parallel marches, the width of the landing should be at least 130 mm. This is equal to almost two steps of an average person.
  • Other dimensions of landings (depth and length) are calculated by the formulas or correlated with the width of the march.

The value of the depth parameter, as a rule, is the sum of the width of the step and one step:

  • Minimum depth = step width + length of one step

To build the landing in the processLinear structures apply the same principles of calculation. If you need to increase the depth of large structures, it should be a multiple of the minimum depth.

Features of circular staircases or structures with non-standard steps

Often, when building a private house or a multi-level apartment, they resort to the construction of extremely beautiful (but sometimes not very comfortable) spiral or spiral staircases.

dimensions of landings

It should be noted that such constructions are not recommended as the main ones because it is not as easy to climb them as the stairs with straight marches.

The dimensions of the staircases and areas of helical and spiral structures are subject to extremely strict control.

In cases where the flight of stairs is located at an angle from 135 to 180 degrees, the size of intermediate platforms may be less than 640 mm.

However, compliance with this size is necessary ifwe are talking about a platform, radially divided into two halves, or in the case of the construction of two-level platforms. By the way, the difference in height between the two levels of the site should be equal to the height of the step.

staircase dimensions gost

The specified minimum size of the landing (640 mm) is also relevant for circular and spiral staircases with steps of the “goose-pitch” type.

Stairs as a means of evacuation

To regulate the construction of stairs andlandings in buildings where there is often a large number of people, GOST and SNiP contain particularly strict instructions. This is due to the fact that the dimensions of the landings here are due not only to the wishes of the developer and the designer’s findings, but primarily to the care of a successful and safe evacuation of people during a fire or other disaster.

Common requirements are:

  • Compliance with the dimensions (width and depth) of the sites.
  • The absence of unnecessary objects and structures on the stairs with an increased risk of smoke.
  • Production of external and escape ladders from non-combustible materials.
  • Observance of sufficient illumination of the stairs with the use of natural and artificial light sources (the size of the windows on the landing sites and the type of their functioning are regulated).

What should be the flight of stairs and platforms on the evacuation stairs?

Planning for evacuation and rescue activities becomes necessary when building multi-storey buildings or public buildings.

landings reinforced concrete dimensions

Not only spans are subject to regulation.landings. Dimensions (GOST defines the basic parameters) of these elements, as well as the dimensions of the corridors that are adjacent to such structures, should not deviate from the norm.

Thus, the width of the march, which can be used for evacuation, should no longer be the door that opens onto it. Dimensions of landings and marches:

  • For buildings class F 1.1 (fire safety characteristic for multi-storey buildings in which a large number of people are planning to stay or stay temporarily) the size is 1350 mm.
  • If there are more than 200 people on the floors of the building (except for the first one), then the stairs must be at least 1200 mm.
  • In the case when the staircase goes to the workplace of one person, its width from 700 mm is allowed.
  • In other cases, this indicator should have an average value of 900 mm.

What are the stairs made of?

For the manufacture of stairs and their important elements (marches, balusters, fences, platforms) suitable a large number of materials:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Glass.
  • A rock.

However, a separate description deserve a staircase.structures made of concrete. As a rule, this material is used in the construction of high-rise buildings and public buildings. For private houses, wood, metal, or a combination of several materials (metal with glass, wood with stone) are more often chosen.

Concrete is a versatile material

Concrete stairs and platforms between them often form of prefabricated elements. Such structures consist of high-class material (minimum B15), and are also equipped with a metal frame.

plates of landings sizes

The production of concrete products are engaged inplants and enterprises whose activities are strictly regulated, so the developer does not have to worry about compliance with the rules of manufacture. However, only on the qualifications of master builders depends on the correctness of the assembly and fixation of structures.

Concrete slabs of landings (dimensionsselected taking into account the dimensions of the building and the width of the marches) used in the construction of brick and concrete buildings, as well as in cases of the use of combined techniques.

size of windows on landings

Their durability, ease of use and ample opportunities for decoration significantly accelerate and facilitate the construction process.

Лестничные площадки железобетонные (размеры не impact on performance) is recommended for the preparation of internal and external stairs. However, it should be noted that reinforced concrete products will be able to retain their properties in the absence of aggressive environmental conditions. The maximum allowable air temperature should not be below -40 degrees.

Decoration of landings

The finished concrete staircase installed inside the dwelling is sheathed with wood panels, painted or carpeted.

Ladder structures lined with ceramic tiles, laminate or floorboard serve well and for a long time.

The use of wood or metal as a material for stairs requires the painting of the finished product. Based on the characteristics of the material, choose the necessary paints:

  • Simple paint for metal.
  • Emulsions and impregnations for wood.
  • Special paints for wood of the corresponding breed.

landings dimensions

A great way to decorate and enhancesafety of the flight of stairs and the site becomes the placement of lights. Most often, LEDs (individual lamps or tapes) are selected for this purpose. They are fastened along the railing, around the perimeter of the site or down on the steps.

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