/ / The most famous poems by Lermontov from the school program

The most famous poems by Lermontov from the school program

Lermontov's poetry is a real iceberg, studyingwhich can be engaged for many years and can not be understood until the end of all its depth and strength of talent of our great compatriot. However blasphemous it may sound, but, according to many critics, Lermontov was more talented than Pushkin. More precisely, in Mikhail Yurevich the poetic gift is presented more concentrated, more saturated than in Pushkin - the main idol of Lermontov.

The first stages of comprehension

famous poems by Lermontov
The most famous poems of Lermontov are included in the circleour reading gradually, thanks to the lessons of Russian literature. In the fifth grade this famous "Borodino", which with pleasure learns by heart the children. Children with interest read the description of the battle, are keenly acquainted with new words-historicisms, introducing into their life previously unknown realities. Easy, easy, confident intonation, alternation of three- and four-legged iambs cause a feeling of friendly conversation, dialogue, create the effect of the presence of the author next to the reader. The patriotic idea of ​​the work, revealed in the images of Borodin, finds the most lively response from the students. It essentially characterizes the poet himself, who loves the homeland "to the pain of the heart." Therefore, Lermontov's other famous poems criticizing Russia's social and political system do not erase this our original idea of ​​the poet as the true son of the Russian land.

Within the school curriculum

eternal Lermontov sail
The baton in the patriotic lyrics of Mikhail Yurievichtakes a small in size, but surprisingly capacious in content masterpiece, with which already acquainted sixth graders - the poem "Clouds." It, like other famous poems by Lermontov, contains everything that is inherent in his poetry: the uncompactness of loneliness, and longing for freedom, internal and external, in an independent country from the autocracy, if possible, live not in a foreign land, but wherever the soul calls. After all, the poet himself was a "perpetual wanderer", whom fate threw from one reference to another, from "the nice north" to the Caucasus, which became the place of his death.

"The lonely sail is white" - no less famouspoems of Lermontov. The work is imbued with the romance of struggle and heroism, heart trouble and aspiration into the beautiful far. Verses thrill the imagination of adolescents, give rise to as yet unclear dreams about the wide expanse of life, free wind, salty sea spray in the face and deed, yet unknown, incomprehensible, but so beautiful!

Borezhenie of feelings

Lermontov's poems about love
Inexhaustible world of Mikhail Yuryevich's poetry was absorbedin ourselves all the spheres of our emotional life. Lermontov's poems about love are a vivid proof of this. We know that Pushkin was happy in friends, in sincere warm attachments. And many women, bright, brilliant, beautiful and educated, loved him, admired him, cherished a tremulous memory of him. The poet to whom this article is devoted is another matter. Virtually all of Lermontov's poems about love are tragic. One of the very first, addressed to Catherine Sushkova, carries the saying name - "Beggar". The lyrical hero, in which the poet himself easily recognizes, compares his feelings and experiences, the bitterness of deceived hopes with the pain of an unfortunate beggar, who was given a stone instead of a piece of bread in a hand that was offered for alms. Varenka Lopukhina, Marie Scherbatova, Katenka Bykhovets - these are the muse who inspired Lermontov to create immortal lines, then filled with sorrow, then touchingly tender and humble, then filled with hopes that were not destined to come true.

"... Then the souls of my anxiety are reconciled ..."

Lermontov's poems about nature
Lermontov's poems about nature are a special subject.There is almost no landscape lyricism in Mikhail Yurievich. Poet-philosopher, he and in the sketches of the surrounding nature saw the living soul of being. Rebellious and restless, standing in uncompromising opposition with all the gloomy, gray, faceless, unspiritual that existed in Russia and in contemporaries, Lermontov, on the one hand, could only be alone with nature, experience enlightenment, purification, sincere joy. Remember the last lines of the poem "When the yellowing field is worried ..."? The lyrical hero in heaven sees God, sheds the burden of cares and anxieties from the soul when he is in the bosom of nature, where everything is harmonious and beautiful - alas, not at all like in the world of people. This sharp contrast, this chasm between the perfection of God's world, the greatness of God's plan, which created the Earth and everything alive, and the world of human relations, mired in crimes, lies, artificiality, immorality pierces one more piercingly lyrical, unusually beautiful and shrill-sad work: elegy "I'm leaving alone on the road ...". The beauty of a starry night is a sharp dissonance compared with those thoughts that are overwhelming the hero. No wonder he dreams to forget himself and fall asleep, to forever renounce the imperfection of human life.

The sun of autumn

poems about the autumn of Lermontov
Autumn was sung in the works of many of ourpoets. Pushkin himself admitted that from the seasons he was happy "only to her one", calling "eyes of charm." Poems about the autumn of Lermontov are also filled with the trembling delight of a man who is attached to the highest mystery - the mystery of nature. The sunny reflections of the last days are compared poet with the secret sadness of unrequited love. And he often called himself an "oak leaf", which is torn off by the autumn wind from his native branch and is carried away somewhere in the distance by everyday storms. A rebellious, ardent poet's soul fluttering to the hills above the wings of time flies to us, the present generation of readers, to join us to a great miracle-Russian classical literature.

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