/ / "Prayer", M. Yu. Lermontov: analysis of the poem

"Prayer", M. Yu. Lermontov: analysis of the poem

prayer of the Lermontovs

Even atheists in the troubled hour of loneliness and sadnessthe prayer saves. M. Yu. Lermontov was not a deeply religious person, although he received a classical religious upbringing, he never asked the Lord for a better life, health, well-being, but still prayed painfully in the most difficult times so as not to lose faith in his life. Some events pushed the poet to write his own prayer. This work forced the author to completely rethink his life, and although he did not become a believer, he ceased to be an inveterate skeptic and an atheist.

th of Lermont's prayer

In 1839, when the poet turned 25, hewrote a poem "Prayer". M. Yu. Lermontov lived a short life, so this verse can be attributed to the late period of creativity. By this time, Mikhail Yurievich had time to visit exile, his worldview, his attitude towards society and poetry had changed. His works have become more wise and philosophical. When the writer returned from the Caucasus in the rank of cornet of the Life Guards, he rethought his whole life, in which he had previously played the role of a rowdy or a secular lion. He understands that he can not change anything in this world. It is because of his own impotence that Mikhail Lermontov turns to God.

"Prayer" was written after acquaintance on onefrom secular events with Maria Shcherbakova. Mikhail Yuryevich was always a rebel and at first committed acts, and then he comprehended them. The Caucasus calmed him a little, the poet was imbued with Eastern wisdom, and although he did not accept his fate, he threw meaningless attempts to prove to people their uselessness and stupidity. In Moscow, the writer attended many secular parties and frankly enjoyed the attention that his person called in the representatives of the beautiful article. Despite the large number of female fans, M. Yu. Lermontov drew attention to the modest and young Maria Shcherbakov.

Michael Lermont's prayer

Prayer is the salvation of man in the gravestminutes of life. This is what Mikhail Yurievich told the girl about. She claimed that only in a sincere conversion to God can he find peace and balance. The poet remembered her words, of course, he did not go to the temple and did not read the "Psalter", but after a conversation with Mary he wrote a poem "Prayer." M. Yu. Lermontov does not ask anything from God, does not repent and does not engage in self-flagellation, he simply cleanses his soul of impotent anger, sadness and anguish.

From time to time the poet was tormented by doubts whetherto continue to be fond of literature, to achieve his goals or all desires and aspirations are only self-deception. But there were people with a similar worldview, Vyazemsky, Pushkin, Belinsky, and Mikhail Yurievich understood that he was not alone. To get rid of doubts and to find spiritual support the tearful prayer helped.

M. Yu.Lermontov prayed fervently with a sense of remorse, to purify himself of feelings and unhappy thoughts, and this really helped. The poem "Prayer" is an attempt to strengthen faith in one's own strengths and to reconcile oneself with the path predetermined by destiny. Lermontov regrets his own weaknesses and asks for forgiveness for hiding behind his mask his true feelings.

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