Probably, there is no person in the world who would notI heard nothing about the series "Game of Thrones". But not everyone knows that this work of modern cinema was filmed on the basis of a series of books by the remarkable author George Martin. The author tried and created a beautiful example of modern literary art, which combines, probably, all possible aspects of the life of literary heroes. Filled with intrigue, love, treachery and revenge, the books do not leave anyone indifferent. Having decided to familiarize themselves with the original, many wonder about the order in which to read Game of Thrones, because each book in the series has its own unique title, which is difficult to relate to one another in the order of narration.
If the question is, in what sequenceneed to study the book, on the basis of which the "Game of Thrones" was filmed, is relevant for you, then you need to know that all parts of the series have the common name "Song of Ice and Flame." It is under this general name that books are published that laid the foundation for the well-known series.
Returning to the question of what orderread "Game of Thrones", it should be noted that the choice can fall on any part. But nevertheless, it is most likely to start reading from the first book published, which is called “The Game of Thrones”. She was released in 1996 and consists of two volumes. Immersing the reader in a new world, the author introduces the main characters and customs. So, already in the first book, the reader will meet the Keepers of the North of Starks and intriguers Lanister. George Martin tried to create a whole reality, moving away from many canons, he fully embodied a whole new world that will capture you and not let go to the last page.
The second book of the series "The Song of Ice and Flame"called "Battle of the Kings", it was published in 1998, consists of two volumes. Reveals the events of the Civil War, which was predicted by prophecy. The confrontation, which leads to the fact that the great houses tend not only to win, but to destroy everything that was expensive. The choice made on the pages of this book leads to the disintegration of the Stark family. Of course, the last of the Targaryen family appears. A flurry of exciting second volume events will end in a battle by the Blackwater River, which will intrigue you and make you crave to read the third book of the series.
"Storm of Swords", released in 2000and consisting of two volumes, became the third part of the series. In it, the Civil War is not over yet, and everyone who has at least some power, proclaims themselves Kings and seek to destroy rivals. Behind the Wall, too, is restless, there everyone is preparing for war and they want to capture Westeros. The mother of dragons gathers an army to return the throne of the father. There is a heat of events, but the end of the war is near.
The next book that saw the light was “Feastvultures ”(2005). It tells of a time when the war is already over, but those who have power continue to strive to seize the Iron Throne with all their might. The wobbling world is filled with intrigue, betrayal and attempts to prevail in a seemingly ended war.
The latest published date has becomethe book “Dance with Dragons”, which was published in Russian in two volumes in 2011 (“Dance with Dragons. Dreams and Dust” and “Dance with Dragons. Sparks over the Ashes”). The author talks about those who were not mentioned in the fourth volume, and only closer to the middle, does he return to the story about intrigues in Vesteros.
George Martin announced the release of two more books, butexcept for the working titles today, no details are known. For the time being, the release of the next book is scheduled for 2018 with the title “Winds of Winter”, and the author is going to finish the series with a book “Dreams about Spring”.
Of course, when the author creates a whole universe withWith multiple heroes, it is difficult to stay in just one series. Many stories require a story about the events that occurred before the plot of the main cycle of books. It is difficult to restrict simple mention. Much needs to be explained and told as it was in the opinion of the author. Therefore, if you are wondering about the order in which you read the Game of Thrones book, then you may also need to familiarize yourself with the prequels to The Songs of Ice and Flame.
Events that took place 90 years beforeCivil war and preceded the outbreak of the crisis, described by George Martin in the cycle "The Tale of Dunk and Eggge." This cycle was published in Russian also under the name "Knight of the Seven Kingdoms". It is divided into five parts, of which only three were published:
George Martin announced the release of two more books with the working titles “Winterfell She-wolf” and “Village Hero”.
Since there are prequels, the question is, inwhat order to read "Game of Thrones" may have two answers. You can start with the first book of the Song of Ice and Flame series, or directly from the prequels.
Thus, if you count all the books in the series,in total, 5 parts of the main series, three of which consist of 2 volumes, and three books of the prequel, have been published. If you want to get acquainted with all the published material about the George Martin universe, then you may need to start reading from the prequel, then go on to the main books of the cycle, and this will be 11 volumes. But the choice is yours. We hope that we were able to answer you the question of how the Games of Thrones books are arranged in order. Enjoy the paper version of the acclaimed series.