In fact, the gluing of all kinds of wallpaper isidentical, but it will not be correct to apply old norms to new types of materials, for example, to vinyl wallpaper. This can lead to their spoilage, which is highly undesirable. So, if you are worried about how to glue vinyl wallpaper, then it will be considered exactly it.
If the walls have been plastered recently, it is important to givedry them, and then apply a primer coating. An important condition is the priming of all walls before the start of the gluing. As a primer, water-based paint is not at all suitable.
Vinyl wallpaper: how to glue
Now you should prepare the bands.It is done this way: you need to cut off two canvases that are equal to the height of the ceiling in the room, while taking into account the fit of the pattern and allowances of 5-10 centimeters to each of the strips. The strip should be cut off from the roll only after the pattern is adjusted on the sheet until it is completely matched. Each cut strip should be marked in pencil in order, so that later there is no confusion.
When the process is completed, you need to make sure thatthe wallpaper is held firmly on the surface. It is worth saying that the described rules can only be called recommendatory, since they do not take into account all the nuances and features of the work. If you trust experts in the question "how to glue vinyl wallpaper", then they will take full responsibility. In the event that you have undertaken your work independently, then you should do everything with the utmost care to avoid negative consequences.