/ / Marina Strukova, biography, works

Marina Strukova, biography, works

Marina Strukova is a contemporary Russian poetess,brightly distinguished against the background of other writers. Her works are filled with a strong, trembling feeling for the motherland and pain for Russia. Poetic gift, which has Marina Strukova, makes her poems stand out among many and not always be recognized in society. That piercing and depth with which the poet describes what is happening in the country, does not leave anyone indifferent.

Marina Strukova biography

The beginning of the creative path of the poetess

Marina Strukova is from the Saratov region.She was born on March 9, 1975 in a small town of Romanovka town type. When the girl was 6 years old, the family changed: I had to change my place of residence. Moving to the Tambov region determined the future fate of Marina. The loss of friends and fathers who stayed far from her turned into a great stress, which the child had to endure due to a change in the situation. In order to recover, the girl began to write poetry, which helped her to restore emotional balance. Successfully rhyming a small Marina was successful from the age of four, so in the writing of poetry she found an outlet. Realizing that to be a poet to her was designed from above, Marina Strukova, at the age of ten, already tried to translate from the Old Slavonic language the poem "The Lay of Igor's Host". And a special sign sent to her from heaven, as the news that she has to go through the creative path of the poet, she finds a find in the steppe of an ancient amulet. On it was engraved a mysterious bird, which seemed to convey to Marina the news of her fate.

Marina Strukova

Strukova's achievements in adulthood

After graduating from school, the girl entered the MoscowUniversity of Arts. In the diploma of higher education there was a specialization "Easel Painting". Marina Strukova was also a student at the Faculty of Literature and the Russian Language at MEUG. Biography of the poetess after graduation was supplemented by a period of work as a teacher of literature, then a correspondent in the newspaper. Throughout her studies, Marina Strukova's poems never ceased to come out from under her pen. In 1996, in 1998, in the year 2002, Several collections of poems were published: "Silver Bullet", "Thistle", "Sun of War". The author of the books was Marina Strukova, the author's photo can be seen on the first pages of the publications. Constant publications in well-known Russian publications, participation in various literary nominations of well-known competitions brought fame to the girl. The works of Marina Strukova allowed her to gain recognition as literary critics and allowed her to become a member of the Writers' Union of Russia in 1996.

Theme of works by Marina Strukova

Поклонники творчества Марины знают, что most of her texts are written about the relationship between people and the world around them, which is not always benevolent. In the works of Strukova there are always calls to face the truth and honestly admit that our reality is filled with attempts to fight the person with injustice, lies, restriction of his freedom. Poetry poetry often accurately reflects the mood of society.

Marina Strukova's photo
Marina Strukova is among the supporters of the partyRussian National Unity, and the idea of ​​nationalism permeates virtually every of its creations. In her youth, Marina listened to lectures on political science and history, which one of the party's representatives read, and the theory of nationalism itself captured the girl, seemed to her the only right way to develop for Russia. Patriotism and love for the homeland permeated every work of Strukova, and those critics who can not accept and understand the ideas that sound in the poems of the poetess, yet bow to her talent.

Literary, artistic and life preferences of Marina

Marina Strukova
Among the literary trends that are mostinteresting poetess, it means primarily world classics. Respect for and honor Russian writers - Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Turgenev and others - encourages the poetess in his interviews and essays. Young and beginning philologists always want to make new discoveries, learn the truth, but never neglect the Russian classics - the foundation of Russian culture and history. Strukov also gives a considerable share of respect to modern foreign prose, as well as Russian poetry. She herself tried her hand at many genres, not only poetry: essays, journalism, prose. Written even a few children's works (not yet published).

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