/ How to get from Adler to Gagra: tips for tourists

How to get from Adler to Gagra: tips for tourists

Отправляясь в Абхазию, туристы задаются вполне a logical question: how to get from Adler to Gagra? More precisely, everyone is interested in the road to the Abkhazian border, as well as its intersection and the way to the destination. Let's look at all the possible options, there are, of course, a few, but still they are.

Why in Gagry from Adler?

Most tourists are interested in the question:how to get from Adler to Gagra? Ask why exactly from Adler? Everything is very simple. The fact is that this resort border town, which is one of the Sochi districts, has become a necessary transit point for travelers on the way to Abkhazia.

How to get from Adler to Gagra

However, not all vacationers are concerned about the question,how to get from Adler to Gagra by public transport. This applies to those tourists who travel behind the wheel of their own car. In this case, on the way to the destination, you will encounter here and there off-road.

Well, everyone else will have to think about how to get from Adler to Gagra with less time, effort, and also with the least financial costs.


For those who do not intend to save on vacation,you can order in advance and pay a transfer to Abkhazia. Then, when you arrive in Sochi, you will not rush about and think how to get from Adler to Gara. You will be able to fully relax and taste the southern air. If you think about it, then, choosing a vacation home, we also try to find the most suitable options to comfortably relax. Although we can not say that we are always in the room, most people come home only in the evening. But nevertheless I want some more or less comfortable conditions to enjoy the long-awaited vacation. Therefore, if you can afford to pay a transfer, then this will be the most acceptable option. Then you no longer need to think about how to get from Adler to Gagra better, you took care of it beforehand. Relaxing with comfort is much more pleasant. The transfer costs about two thousand rubles.

how to get from adler to gagra

Local taxi

And if you do not think over the nuances of the trip, thenenterprising local taxi drivers will immediately take care of you, only you will have time to enter the land of Adler. It would be desirable to note that Sochi's "bombs" are apparently quite good psychologists, since in a matter of seconds they are able to identify among the crowd those tourists who should direct all their eloquence. They are on duty day and night on the outskirts of the airport and railway station. Taxi drivers will never tell you where you need to go to get on this or that type of transport, because it is unprofitable for them. Even after passing the obstacle course from those who want to earn extra money, it is not always possible to find the necessary transport along your route.

Possible options

So, let's discuss all possible options,which the tourist can use to get to the destination. We hope that our information will be useful for you and help you decide in advance with which route to choose. Everyone has his own preferences regarding transport, that's why you decide. And our task is only to prompt all known variants.


How to get from Adler to Gagra?The train is perhaps the most acceptable option. The fact is that on the train it is most convenient to cross the border, because you do not need to go out and get baggage for passport control, crowd in queues near the transport control. Therefore, you can get by train Adler-Gagry.

How to get from the Adler to the Gagra train

On this route you can leave from Adler station(railway), for example, on the Moscow 306-M (Moscow-Sukhumi). He does just a few stops on his way. One of them is the village of Veseloye (for border control), and the second is the station Tsandripsh. Well, the last stop is Gagry. From here it is quite easy to get to, for example, New Athos. The route from Adler to Gagra takes almost three hours. A ticket in a reserved car will cost from 500 to 600 rubles.

How to get from Adler airport to Gagra?

Железнодорожный вокзал в Адлере является самой a close point in the city to the Abkhazian border. But those tourists who preferred to get to the city by plane, it is still necessary to reach the station Adler from the airport. To do this, you can take bus number 51 or a bus number 124. In principle, the path is no more than half an hour, but the formation of traffic jams can take an hour. Then you can get from the station to Gagra by train or train.

The bus from Adler

Из Адлера от аэропорта регулярно ходит 173-й bus. He follows the border with Abkhazia. And in the summer time there is still a 40th minibus. The fare is 20-50 rubles. The journey takes about thirty minutes.

 how best to get from the adler to gagra

Автобусы следуют до остановки "Казачий рынок" или "Psou." And further to the border point you have to pass a couple of hundred meters. Of course, with bags it is not very convenient. After you check your documents at the border, you can take a minibus or a bus that go to Gagra.

However, it should be borne in mind that at night andearly in the morning public transport from Adler does not go. In the summer, given the greater demand, the number of flights increases. They go from eight to twenty-two hours.

How to get from Psou to Gagra

Of course, using public transport, youcan save considerably. From Psou to Gagra you can get for seventy rubles. But if you have baggage with you, it's easier to take a taxi. But only you need to know the real fare, which is four hundred rubles. Sometimes especially enterprising taxi drivers overstate the cost.

how to get from the airport of Adler to Gagra

At the station square of Psou, traffic from the earlymorning and till late evening. There are intercity buses and shuttle buses that follow to the resort towns of Abkhazia, including Gagra. An interesting fact is that these vehicles do not have serial numbers. Each bus carries a sign with the name of the locality where it goes. So we can not specify the exact route number to Gagra.

how to get from the Adler station to the gagra

The buses indicate the following popularresorts: Pitsunda, Alahadzy, Novy Afon, Sukhum, Agudzera, Dranda, etc. Wherever you decide to go, remember that before you move along the Sukhum highway, you can expect a lot of time when, finally, the shuttle bus will be filled with tourists. If you're lucky, things will go quickly. However, as a rule, the process takes no more than half an hour. Exceptions are intercity buses that depart from the bus station according to the schedule.

Advantages and disadvantages of buses

Reflecting on how to get from Adler stationbefore Gagra, remember that the bus is the cheapest option. However, this method has many disadvantages in the form of a long time in transit, transplants and queues. So think carefully before making your choice.

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