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Available for all holidays in Spain

If from all European countries choose the mostfriendly and warm, then this, of course, will be Spain - a favorite place for families with children, honeymooners, history lovers and beach lovers. Its gentle sun and the cleanest Mediterranean sea with the adjacent sandy beaches became an excellent alternative to rest in Turkey and Egypt. Every time you come here, you can re-discover Spain.

In spring, the season of honey months begins, and the countryturns into a few weeks in the abode of light and tender feelings of newly married spouses. They choose a holiday in Spain, because you can spend time at sea and still visit various architectural monuments and visit purely Spanish events, for example, in the corrida. In Madrid, you must visit the gothic cathedral of Sagrada Familia, built by 15th century architect Antonio Gaudi. In this city you can not pass by its port, the Gothic Quarter, the Del Prado Museum, Palacio Real and the city square. Although Madrid is crowded with historically important objects, and it carries a huge centuries-old history, nevertheless, it is a developed city with its infrastructure. Since vacation in Spain is still European, here in all hotels and public places European standards of quality of service are observed.

Connoisseurs of club life will prefer to settle onthe island of Ibiza. It is he who is considered the birthplace of the whole electronic musical culture. What is played in the clubs of Ibiza, is considered the most high-quality music. This island sets the benchmark for hosting parties for the whole world. There is a huge number of nightclubs, hotels, the main emphasis is on youth and related entertainment. Such a holiday in Spain will be to the liking of fans to lie in the sun. The island is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is rich in various kinds of beaches.

Another important city of this solar andThe hospitable country is Barcelona. This is a big metropolis, where, despite its development, carefully preserved truly Spanish culture with its architectural monuments. While in Barcelona, ​​you need to visit the street of La Rambla, as well as in the Park Guell and on the beach of Barceloneta. A great influence on the architecture of the city was provided by the work of Gaudi, who built many beautiful streets in Spain.

Unfortunately, vacation in Spain in all itsmagnificence is not open to every traveler, because of the rather high prices for vouchers. This is due to the standard of living, as well as the income of the Spaniards themselves. Thanks to the favorable financial situation, the developed tourist service, the care of every guest of the country, the cost of trips will be affordable only for people with average incomes. And what should the rest do? So forget about this country? The answer is no!

On this occasion,Spain, the cost of which can be several times lower than the usual armor for rest. This is due to the fact that during the recruitment of a group of tourists to a certain direction there are vacant seats that "burn out" if the agency does not sell them, at least for the minimum cost. Such burning tours to Spain appear in the company's offers instantly and with the same speed disappear. Here the main thing is to have time to buy. Sometimes the tour operators go for a trick and, under the guise of such tours, they sell quite ordinary vouchers at the usual price, artificially inflating its cost for a while. In this case, the tourist will not get any benefit exactly. Hot tours will be an excellent solution to the problem of vacation for the lungs to climb people who can not afford to pay the full cost of the trip, but do not want to give up the desire to see the world.

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