/ Travemünde - Helsinki Ferries. Ferry tickets. Ferries Finnlines from Finland to Germany

Ferries Travemünde - Helsinki. Ferry tickets. Ferries Finnlines from Finland to Germany

When visiting Germany for the first time, citizens hopetravel agencies. People who regularly visit this country find ways to book their tickets early. However, for those who like interacting with the nature of the visited state, exploring the surrounding world and developing local color, there is no better way than the Travemünde-Helsinki ferries.

Travemünde Helsinki Ferries


Convenient to get to Germany from Finland by ferry. Transport without any problems will cross the border with you. By this trip you need to prepare thoroughly. First of all, you need:

  • Find out how and where to buy ferry tickets and car packages if you are transporting a car.
  • Refine the schedule of movement.
  • To decide on a carrier.
  • Examine user reviews.

By adhering to these simple recommendations, you can travel economically while enjoying the comfort and beautiful views of the Baltic Sea.

ferry tickets

Pros and cons of the ferry

Coming from Finland to Germany or back on the ferry, you get a lot of advantages, namely:

  1. The opportunity to enjoy the scenery of the Baltic Sea for 28 hours.
  2. You can take pets with you if you comply with all sanitary and safe measures.
  3. Really cross the border with the car, having previously issued a special package for it and removing studded tires, which is prohibited in Germany.
  4. There is a free set of services, which includes a visit to this Finnish sauna.
  5. Security is organized at the highest level.

The only disadvantage of traveling by ferry is its duration compared to other modes of transport.

ferries finnlines

Which route to choose?

Паромы Травемюнде – Хельсинки являются the best way to cross the border, if the choice is stopped on this type of transport. For several years now, Finnlines has not been competing in this area. Every day, except Sunday, the ferry is carried out from Helsinki to Travemünde from 17.00 to 21.30 the next day, and back from 3.00 one days to 9.00 others. Those who have chosen the Saturday flight, the next Sunday can be spent on board a comfortable ferry. It is worth noting that Helsinki - Travemünde is a ferry, the price of which depends on the age indicator:

  • Adults - 24-28 euros.
  • Children from 13 to 17 years old - 18-20.
  • 6-12 years old - from 12 to 14 euros.

On some days, depending on weather conditions and some other factors, Finnlines ferries may not run. Such moments are made public on the official website of the company.

helsinki travemünde ferry Price

How to calculate the cost?

Starting the journey is best before reachingSt. Petersburg, and from there - to Helsinki. This should take into account the cost of a bus or gasoline, if the trip is made on your own car. The cost is calculated as follows:

  1. The price of a personal ticket is multiplied by the number of people.
  2. To it is added the cost of the cabin.
  3. The surcharge for the car is taken into account.
  4. Plus the cost of transporting animals and food.

The total price also depends on the date of travel, cabin type and auto package. In the summer, ferry tickets will cost significantly more. The approximate price is as follows:

  • Individual tickets - from 22 to 170 euros, depending on the age of the passenger and the type of cabin. Children under 6 years accompanied by adults are shipped free of charge.
  • Cabin price - from 240 to 1 580 euros.
  • Car packages - from 375 to 1 200 EUR.

If you book tickets immediately in both directions, you really get a discount of up to 20 percent.

from Finland to Germany

Service maintenance

Personal transport can be transported by twoways: thanks to a personal payment or auto package. The first option involves the purchase of individual tickets, a separate cabin (if necessary), a personal place for the car, depending on its size. The price of the car package includes the cost of a separate cabin for four passengers and the price of transportation. Avtopaket objectively more profitable if the crossing is carried out with personal transport.

Каждая каюта вмещает 2-4 кровати, санузел, душ, the conditioner, the TV, a case, a curbstone. Its price depends on the size, availability of windows and additional amenities. You can bring a couple of pets with you, paying about 100 euros for the service. In this case, booking a cabin is required.

from Finland to Germany

Briefly about Helsinki

Travemünde - Helsinki ferries are famous for theircomfort and reliability. When traveling between these points, it is important to know the main attractions. The capital of Finland is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, three hundred kilometers from St. Petersburg and four hundred from Stockholm. Helsinki is the largest political, economic, cultural and commercial center. Of the main attractions of the city are the following:

  1. The National Museum, which has a huge historical collection from ancient times to the modern period.
  2. Finnish gallery, museum of the city.
  3. Design Museum.

Port in Helsinki in size and turnoveris the second among the Scandinavian states. It is equipped with three harbors, six passenger terminals. The Finnlines ferries in Travemünde, Tallinn and Stockholm run regularly.

Travemünde Germany

A bit about Travemünde

This suburb of the German picturesque town of LubeckIt is a huge ferry port, not far from which there is a bus station and a railway station. Travemünde (Germany) is famous for its numerous Gothic buildings, as well as delicious marzipan. Part of the city is surrounded by the River Trave and the Baltic Sea. On their shores are sandy beaches, and around the city of Lübeck there are many city squares. The following objects are of historical and tourist value:

  • Town Hall, created in the 13th century.
  • Cathedral of Lübeck (12th century).
  • Castle Rantzau.
  • The oldest hospital in Germany Geis Heiligen, built in 1227.

In the squares, you can stroll, enjoying the urban amenities, and the beaches will bring the joy of a desired holiday by the sea or river.

Travemünde Helsinki Ferries

User Reviews

Guided by user feedback, you cannote the several features that have the Travemünde - Helsinki ferries. Firstly, the possibility of choosing the type of cabins is pleasing. Here you can pick up a regular room with no windows with all the comforts, a family cabin or a luxurious and spacious suite.

Second, by ferrying youenjoy magnificent views of the sea, you can visit the sauna for free or just watch the TV, which is available in each room, as well as other necessary amenities. Another advantage is the possibility of transportation of motorcycles and motor vehicles, pets. Some users refer to the only relatively relatively significant fare and travel time, which is about 28 hours.

ferry tickets


After conducting a detailed review of the crossing tothe Helsinki – Travemunde ferry suggests that this journey will suit all lovers of beautiful nature, the sea and comfort. The cost of the trip is much lower than on the plane. At the same time you can travel with pets and car. Also pleased with a well-thought-out pricing policy, the ability to select the type of cabin and service.

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