/ / Sacred Ficus: description, transplant and care at home

Holy sacral ficus: description, transplant and care at home

Ficus are one of the most popular indoor plants. However, few know that in nature these plants have the appearance of ordinary trees. This fully applies to sacred ficus. About him will be discussed further.

Ficus in nature

The sacred ficus is also called Eden or religious.This plant belongs to the mulberry family and in natural conditions it can reach 30 meters in height. This is a tree with a wide crown. Its branches are powerful enough, covered with large leaves. They have original shapes. The length reaches 22 cm. The leaves have a straight or slightly wavy edge, a wide heart-shaped base and a strongly elongated apex.

Sacred ficus

The inflorescences of this plant are axillary, paired, smooth. Initially, they are distinguished by a light green color, and later you can already see a dark purple hue.
Very often the ficus of this species begins its life.as an epiphyte. It is fixed on other plants or in the cracks of buildings. When the roots, which were previously located in the air, reach the ground and penetrate the soil, they turn into a trunk.

With high humidity at the tips of the leaves, you can observe water droplets, it seems that the tree is "crying".

The Legend of the Ficus Eden

Its name ficus sacred Eden received thanks to an ancient legend.According to her, Prince Siddhartha Gautama meditated while sitting under this tree. He managed to comprehend the meaning of life, and also reached the highest enlightenment. This man began to be called the Buddha.

Ficus sacred eden

Another legend says that in the shadow of this ficusthe god Vishnu was also born. That is why for many hundreds of years this plant is definitely planted near Buddhist temples. It is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Pilgrims from different countries come to these trees, tie up its branches with multicolored ribbons, accompanying such a rite with their prayers for good luck, prosperity and health.

Conditions of detention

Among flower growers thanks to unpretentiousness andthe simplicity of cultivation is very popular sacred ficus. Taking care of him at home is pretty simple. The plant requires bright diffused lighting, but easily tolerates partial shade. It is preferable to keep it on windows that face the west or east side.

Ficus sacred Eden of seeds

With a lack of light can reset foliage. Ficus is a heat-loving plant, it prefers a temperature of at least + 22 ° C in the summer and + 15 ° C during the cold period.

In winter, rest for the plant is optional.The room temperature can be the same throughout the year. A ficus of this variety does not tolerate streams of heated air, which are abundantly moving away from batteries. Also, the plant does not like drafts, temperature drops. It responds to these inconveniences by dropping leaves.

High humidity is optional.condition for the growth of ficus. If there is too dry air in the room, you will need to use special humidifiers or to equip a decorative artificial reservoir. The plant also reacts badly to an insufficient amount of water in the environment. It resets the foliage.

The plant requires loose fertile soil.You can buy in a specialized store a ready mix of soils for ficuses. It is also easy to prepare the land by mixing in equal parts peat, turf and leaf soil with sand (a large fraction). At the bottom of the tank for planting it is necessary to create a good drainage, which prevents the stagnation of water.

Transplant, trimming

Proper transplantation requires ficus sacred Eden.Care at home implies its frequent transplanting, at least once or twice a year for young plants. This is due to their rapid growth. Within 12 months, the young seedling is stretched to a height of two meters. Transplantation of adult large specimens is very difficult, so this procedure is limited to changing the surface layer of the earth.

Ficus sacred seeds

To reduce the growth of ficus and form himbeautiful crown, resorted to regular pruning. Carry out the procedure before the growing season. It is also possible with the help of wire frames to give young elastic shoots any growth directions.


Description of an adult plant of the ficus sacred Eden talks about its aesthetic appearance.However, this requires careful care. As soon as signs of damage are noticed, it is necessary to immediately treat the plant with special insecticidal agents.

Ficus sacred care at home

Spraying should be carried out strictly followinginstructions to the chemical preparation and following all safety regulations. Ficus diseases are mainly associated with improper care, failure to comply with the temperature regime, humidity conditions, irrigation rules and soil requirements.

The plant responds to negative factors by droppingfoliage. But it must be remembered that they can fall off with this ficus themselves, when they reach the age of two or three, which is quite natural for this species.


The easiest way to grow ficus sacred Eden of seeds. For this, peat is poured into the tank equally andsand, mix them and moisturize. Ficus has very small seeds. They are pre-mixed with sand and spread over the surface of the soil and gently pressed into it.

Ficus sacred Eden home care

Top cover with plastic or glass (if the seeds a little, you can cover them with a glass jar). From time to time, this coating is removed for a few minutes, for example, when crops are watered.

Planted in the ground seeds of the sacred ficuscover and put in a bright warm place. The ambient temperature should be at least 25ºС, but without access to direct sunlight. The soil should be constantly moistened, but not poured. It is recommended to irrigate it from the dispenser with distilled water.

The first shoots appear approximately aftera week And after 7 days you can remove the cover. When the seedlings appear on the sheet, they need to be planted in small pots filled with soil suitable for ficus. For better growth, it is recommended to create additional lighting for young plants with a special lamp.

Large tree ficuses can also be propagated by diverting air shoots. With this method, not only get a new rather large plant, but also rejuvenates the parent specimen.

At a height of about 55 cm, shoots and leaves are removed.Leave about 13 cm completely bare trunk. Under the plot on which one of the branches previously grew, you need to remove the bark. This place is treated with a solution to stimulate root growth, cover with sphagnum and wrap with plastic wrap.

In 1.5-2 months new ones will appear on this site.roots. After this, shoots with roots are cut, and this place is sprinkled with activated charcoal. Young seedlings are planted in a pot with a drainage layer and suitable soil for ficus.

Additional fertilizing

Sacred ficus should be fertilized twice a month, alternating between mineral and organic fertilizers. Baits should contain a lot of nitrogen and potassium. This contributes to the harmonious development of the plant.


Ficus have long been considered a symbol of stability andhome comfort. They have an aesthetic appearance, can fit into any interior. The sacral ficus is an interesting and unusual plant. It is distinguished by unpretentiousness, endurance, ease of care. Subject to all rules, it rarely suffers from diseases and pests. For these qualities is very appreciated among flower growers as a spectacular decoration of modern residential and office space.

Having considered the features sacred ficus, Everyone will be able to grow it properly at home or in the office.

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