/ / Picturesque Greece: Pieria - the abode of the gods

Picturesque Greece: Pieria - the abode of the gods

Pure azure sea, golden beaches,Greece greets guests with a cloudless sky, picturesque scenery. Pieria is perfectly suited for relaxing even the most spoiled travelers. This part of Greece is also called the abode of the mythical gods, because it is here that the famous Mount Olympus is located. Pieria is located in the south of central Macedonia, the capital is the city of Katerini. About 40% of the entire area is occupied by the coastal zone, which is a rich plain, the main area is mountainous.

Greece Pieria
Яркие и веселые гуляния, доисторические settlements, interesting archaeological finds - all this is Greece. Pieria is one of the best areas of the country, the air here is saturated with a divine aura, descending from Olympus, and sea ozone, the beaches are landscaped and well maintained. The territory can be divided into four parts: the southern, northern, central and Olympus. The best tourist complexes are located in the south, where they are completely surrounded by beautiful nature. Vacationers, of course, like the coast of Nea Pori, Neo Panteleimon, Litohoro, Gritsa.

The northern part is very proud of Greece.Pieria boasts one of the rarest environmental phenomena: in Alikes Kitrus 170 species of birds that are on the verge of extinction flock to nesting. This area is interesting not only for ornithologists, but also for ordinary people who want to be alone with nature. In the central part is the Olympiakti Akti, Paralia, Korinos. Many tourists who have been here come back year after year.

reviews greece pieria
Olympus should be highlighted especially because itthe area that Greece is most proud of. Pieria is overgrown with myths, and its main attraction is the mountain of the gods. It is located 100 km from Thessaloniki, in Central Macedonia. This part of the nome attracts tourists with the natural beauty of the mountainous area, golden beaches, clear sea, and developed infrastructure. About 1600 species of flora and fauna grow and live on the mountain, some of them are found only in this area.

The top of Mount Olympus is shrouded most of the time.clouds, by the way, the same name is a mountain range with 42 peaks. It is difficult to describe in words the picturesqueness of the Olympic gorge, at its bottom flows the Helikon River, which flows into the Aegean Sea. Basically, only Greece receives positive reviews from travelers. Pieria very often holds national celebrations in which not only local residents are involved, but also tourists. Oyster Day and Grandmother's Day are celebrated in winter and a carnival is held. Cedar Day is celebrated in the city of Litohoro on Pure Monday, and in Leptokarya - the death of Orpheus. The greatest number of holidays in summer: the festival of Olympus, the sea week, the festival of cherry.

rest in greece pieria
Many tourists for life remember the rest inGreece Pieria is a picturesque and most suitable place for outdoor activities. Here you can enjoy scuba diving, swimming in the sea, wander through the gorges and forests, climb the mountains by bike, or go down the river in an inflatable boat. Bored in Pieria will not be anyone.

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