/ / Belarus, sanatorium "Krinitsa": reviews

Belarus, sanatorium "Krinitsa": reviews

Krynitsa is a Belarusian comfortablehealth resort, which is not only for recreation, but also for restoring health. Guests are fascinated by the beauty of the surrounding nature, clean air and the friendly, cozy atmosphere of the sanatorium. Anyone who cares about their health, must certainly visit this unique place.


"Krinitsa" is one of the oldest health resorts located on the territory of Belarus. The sanatorium is located in the resort zone of republican importance (Zhdanovichi).

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This area began to develop as far back as 1906.The well-known public figure and physician IJ Zdanovich supervised the process. Mass recreation of workers began in this zone since 1922, when the opening of the recreation center "Zhdanovichi" took place.

The climate of the area

Comfortable weather conditions await those whowill visit the sanatorium "Krinitsa". Reviews resting in this resort area indicate a soft and usually cloudy winter, as well as a warm summer with a predominance of sunny days.

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The average annual air temperature is +5,3degree. In these places, from 1800 to 1850 hours of sunshine per year are observed. Weather conditions are quite comfortable due to low humidity (55-60 percent). All this creates prerequisites for a year-round climate therapy.

Natural sources of health

As early as the beginning of the 20th century.it became known that in the bowels of the resort of Zhdanovichi there are layers of mineral water. In the years 1956-1960. researches of curative sources have been carried out. At the same time, two types of sulfate-chloride-sodium mineral waters in the spa zone were identified. The first of them - small (3.5 grams per liter), and the second - medium (12.2 grams per liter) mineralization. This discovery was a prerequisite for the further development of the resort.

Construction of a sanatorium

The first building of the health resort Krinitsa was designedfor 250 people. Its opening took place in January 1966. A year later the visitors received the second building. It was intended for the living of two hundred and sixty people.

Already in the first years of its work, it is quite highthe evaluation received treatment, which was provided to vacationers in the sanatorium "Krinitsa". The experts' reviews pointed to the effectiveness of treatment of patients with pathologies of the digestive system.

Natural remedies for getting rid of diseases

Mineral water is the main curativefactor of the health resort. They are used for both internal and external use. Use in the sanatorium finds and sapropelic therapeutic mud, extracted in Lake Sudoble.

Sanatorium "Krinitsa" has its own hydromineralbase. It is represented by five wells having a depth of three hundred and seventy to five hundred meters. The water extracted from them, in its physical properties are transparent and colorless. They have no smell. The temperature of mineral waters is from eight to ten degrees.

kronitsa reviews

What is currently ahealth resort Krinitsa (Belarus)? The reviews of numerous holidaymakers say that this is a comfortable modern sanatorium equipped with excellent equipment, which has diagnostic and treatment rooms, well-equipped sleeping buildings, sports and recreational areas and a private beach.

Procedures for healthy body

The health resort "Krinitsa" offers a largelist of medical services. Unique methods of treatment are used. The use of only the most modern equipment allows you to diagnose diseases of blood vessels and heart, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and perform procedures aimed at eliminating these diseases.

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But not only getting rid of various pathologiesoffers a sanatorium "Krinitsa" (Belarus). Feedback from tourists in this institution give high praise to procedures that allow you to increase vitality, correct body weight and relieve psychoemotional stress.

A comprehensive program is offered to holidaymakers,directed not only to improve the body, but also to reduce weight. One of the components of this technique is proper nutrition. It will allow not only to say goodbye to excess kilograms, but also to feel extraordinary lightness in the whole body. All this can be achieved with the help of the program offered by the sanatorium "Krinitsa". Reviews resting ascertain the fact that in the period of compliance with the methodology, they did not feel hungry. In addition, the program includes daily gymnastics with elements of yoga. These exercises will improve joints and spine. The restoration of the body is facilitated by sessions of music therapy and aero-ion relaxation.

hope plus kronitsa reviews

SPA procedures are also held in the officessanatorium "Krinitsa". Reviews of people who visited the health center put the highest score of herbal, mineral-pearl, sapropelic and turpentine baths. For the guests working Finnish sauna, swimming pool, which is filled with mineral water, as well as an infrared sauna.
Who cares about their health, by all meanschoose the place of your holiday in Belarus (sanatorium "Krinitsa"). Feedback from those who have already visited the health resort, will confirm that this choice is one of the best.

Rest on the sea

The vacation inKrasnodar Territory. At guests' disposal is the guest house "Na Zarechnaya" (Krinitsa). The reviews already visited by him speak of the splendor of a small and quiet village. Here one who is really tired of the hustle and bustle of cities strives to come. The village of Krinitsa is a romantic place where there is not a large number of holidaymakers. At the same time the guest house offers its guests comfortable conditions and a full range of services. Nearby is the market, food shops and children's attractions.

The guest house "Nadezhda plus" (Krinitsa) offers its services at the resort Gelendzhik. The reviews of tourists who visited him testify to the romantic nature of a quiet village and comfortable living conditions.

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