/ / Mountain-skiing resorts Lagonaki: features, prices

Ski resorts of Lagonaki: features, prices

To date, Lagonaki is a magnificent modern ski resort with equipped mountain slopes, recreation and skiing areas, with the necessary equipment and equipment (sledges, skis).

Ski resorts of Lagonaki are popular and attract a huge number of tourists not only in winter, but also in other seasons.

Ski resorts Lagonaki

Plateau of Lagonaki

A powerful plateau with the massif of Mount Fisht ispart of the Caucasus Mountains (western) and is located between the Belaya and Pshekh rivers. From an administrative point of view, this region captures the districts of Absheron and Bolshoi Sochi in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as the Maikop region of Adygea.

The area of ​​the whole plateau is about 650 square meters. kilometers. Its highest peak is in Fisht (2853.9 m above sea level). The name from Adyghe translated as "White Head".

Fisht is the most western Caucasian ice peak, the southeastern part of which is part of the largest Caucasian state biosphere reserve.


There are many reasons that attract tourists to the plateau of Lagonaki. The ski resort is located in the unique corner of the Caucasus. But first let us dwell a little on the peculiarities of the nature of these places.

Lagonaki represents in his territories the mosta large area of ​​the protected natural area (30% of the total plateau area or 67% of the territory of the Maikop region of Adygea), which indicates the uniqueness of these places.

Plateau Lagonaki: ski resort

In addition to the aforementioned Caucasus Reserve, there are also natural protected areas:

- "Fisht" territory is ecologically-tourist (about 200 thousand hectares);

- natural monuments - "Upper reaches of the river Pshecha, the river Tsitsa and the river Pshekhashra (height 7689 ha)," Ridge Buyny "(height 1480 ha);

- "Big Thach" - a natural park (3700 hectares).

Despite the fact that they are located here,essence, ski resorts, Lagonaki and in summer, spring and autumn is beautiful and impressive for recreation. Landscapes of beautiful canyons, a large number of waterfalls, plains blooming and fragrant, on which beekeepers gather aromatic honey - all this can not leave either adults or children indifferent. And the admiring and positive feedback about Lagonaki is only confirmed.

Since 1999, the park and natural monuments are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Infrastructure of the resort zone

Mountain ski resorts of Lagonaki have certainadvantages over other Russian places for recreation and resorts of the near abroad. This is a large number of long rock walls; very convenient conditions for climbing (easy accessibility for transport, relatively safe environment); lack of formalities (permits, visas, customs, border, police control, etc.), infrastructure development, the proximity of the Black Sea, the splendor and beauty of the surrounding nature.

Near the slope there are 2 hostels and 1 new modern hotel "Gazprom". In each base there are baths, cafes, bars, ski rental and parking for cars.

Ski resorts of Lagonaki can be visited all year round. In summer other types of recreation for active travelers are practiced here: rafting, river rafting, horse-riding and hiking trips.

Features of the resort area

The main peaks are equipped for snowboarding and skiing: Blyam, Abadzes, Fisht, Psheha-Su and Oshten.

All routes have an average slope of 15-35 degrees, and the difference is 300-800 meters. All descents have a length of about 1000 to 2500 meters.

Lagonaki (ski resort): prices, rental

The lack of particularly large vegetation givesthe opportunity to freely and without fear to engage in freeriding, which is another important feature. For athletes who like extreme sports, skating is provided on the section of the Instructor's slot.

It turns out that the trails for every taste can boast Lagonaki (ski resort).

Prices, rental

There is an opportunity to ride without riskneighborhoods on snowmobiles, jeeps, quad bikes, which can be rented. You can also relax during your holidays and on weekends, both alone and with a large company. There are excellent conditions for recreation with children, for which a lot of entertainment is arranged.

Lagonaki (ski resort): prices

Magnificent landscapes surrounding the resort area serve as an excellent backdrop for memorable photo sessions in memory of a wonderful holiday, from which only positive emotions arise.

Practically for all, there is a rest in winter forLagonaki. Ski resort prices for different services is quite acceptable. They depend on the level of service in hotel complexes, the length of the trails and ski lifts and the complexity of descents: one-time cost of using the lift - from 50 rubles; riding with a lift (length about 200 m.) - 400 rubles. for 1 hour, without a lift - 200 r / hour; accommodation in the hotel - from 1300-2500 rubles for a double room for a day to 7500 rubles. on holidays.

Lagonaki (ski resort): reviews

Vacationers are satisfied with almost all the services that are provided for them at the ski resort bases. And the surrounding nature is wonderful.
Surprisingly clean mountain air and clean water of the rivers have a positive effect on the health of all travelers.

Lagonaki (ski resort): reviews

Especially good walks at high altitudes (2000m) with rare amazing views of natural landscapes, which perfectly strengthen the nervous system. All this atmosphere for a long time charges tourists with energy. It turns out that a trip to the plateau benefits doubly: wonderful entertainment and health promotion.

In conclusion, a little of the history of the development of the slopes

The development of tourists in this region began inthe beginning of the 20 century (30-ies.). The very first tourist route was organized in 1936 ("Guzeriple-Krasnaya Polyana-Sochi"). Only in 20 years there was a route called "Lagonaki-Fisht-Sochi", and later (in 30 years) - "Guzeripl-Lagonaki-Maikop". On the route "Guzeripl-Lagonaki-Sochi" began to work in 1988.

It should be noted that on the slopes of Abadzash in the 1980s there was a sports base for the preparation of the national team of the Alpine Skiing Union.

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