/ / The scheme of the Minsk metro: history and nuances

The scheme of the Minsk metro: history and nuances

Minsk is a city with a population of 2 million people.The scheme of the Minsk metro is a real walk through history. Here the very first stations were preserved, and quite new ones. In this case, anyone can understand the scheme, even an alien: all the names are duplicated in Latin.

A bit of history

It should be noted, speaking of the Belarusian metro,The Minsk scheme is unique: it is the only one in the whole country. To date, the total length of underground tunnels is 25 kilometers, on which there are two branches (blue and red) and 29 stations.

scheme of the Minsk metro

And it all began in the 60s of the last century.Even then, local architects nurtured the idea of ​​creating the city's first metro line in the city. However, the plans had to be postponed: according to the law only cities whose population exceeded one million mark could acquire the fourth mode of transport.

Therefore, when in 1976 this number wasreached, work began on designing. Initially, the line consisted of 8 stations, the first of which was the "Chelyuskintsev Park". Metro expected to do for 8 years, but coped earlier: the transport was ready for use after 7 years.

Blue branch

metro station in Minsk

Not without its complexities.For example, how to build a station that is next to the watery ground of the river? However, on June 30, 1984, the first stations were festively opened. Among them were the Institute of Culture, Lenin Square, Oktyabrskaya, Victory Square, Yakub Kolos Square, Academy of Sciences, Park Chelyuskintsev and Moskovskaya. All these stations work to this day.

The remaining stations of the blue branch begangradually. Two years after the opening of the metro station Vostok was opened, which eased the way for the residents of this neighborhood to the center. In 2007, the branch was extended by two more stations: "Uruchye" and "Borisov tract".

The most modern metro stations - Grushevka, Mikhalovo, Petrovschina and Malinovka - were the last ones on the blue branch.

scheme of the Minsk metro 2014

And what about the other line?

The red metro line is in a sense moreyoung: its construction began a little later. The first stations were opened on the last day of 1990. They were Frunzenskaya, Nemiga, Kupalovskaya, Proletarskaya and Tractor Plant.

Interesting fact:the metro station "Pervomaiskaya", which is located between "Kupalovskaya" and "Proletarskaya", was opened only after a few months. Initially, it was not planned at all in the project. However, due to the fact that the distance between the two stops was large, some changes were made to the plan. Even now, the exit from the train is carried out in the door on the right side, and not on the left, as at all stations.

From 1995 to 2005, the red branch expanded,New stations were added that connected different ends of the city. This is how the scheme of the Minsk metro looked in 2014. And at the moment, three new stops are planned to be added to the red and blue branches: Smolenskaya, Shabany and Krasny Bor.

Green Line

A new scheme is planned in the Minsk metro.Already with might and main there is a construction of one more - a green branch. This year it is planned to open three stations: Kovalskaya Sloboda, Vokzalnaya, Františka Bogushevicha Square and Yubileinaya Ploshchad. The remaining stations on the branch, which, in general, will number 14 of them, will be put into operation by 2020.

Previously, it was also planned to add to the schemeMinsk subway one more branch - purple. It would connect the city from Zhdanovichi, Drozdov and Vesnyanka to Chizhovka and Serebryanka. However, the project was canceled, and now work is underway to build a green branch.

Minsk subway scheme new

New image

Most recently in Belarus there was a competition forcreation of a new scheme of the Minsk metro. Young designers from all over the country took part in it. Until now, only the names of the stations were indicated on the map of the passage, in some places the presence of ATMs was indicated.

The authorities decided to approach the problem morecomplex: you need to give detailed information about the journey. But how to fit everything on a small piece of paper? After some thought, the task was solved, and a new scheme of the Minsk metro appeared. On it remote stations are still marked with symbolic circles, while the central ones are described in more detail. Now on the subway map you can see the nearest sights, rivers, location of stops of ground transportation.

In addition, the procedure for writing stations was simplifiedin the Latin alphabet. Since the names of the stations were proposed in the Belarusian language, transcribing used letters such as ć, ś, ł, etc. In a new format, the schemes from such characters were completely abandoned, taking as a basis the familiar English alphabet.

Еще одно нововведение – на карте теперь отмечены all microdistricts of the city. Passengers do not have to dig into the phone, looking for the right direction: all information will be located on the map. There will also be indicated the direction of transport from the center to the microdistricts, since still all areas of Minsk are connected by metro lines. Now you can easily get from one end of the city to the other.

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