/ / Krasnoyarsk Reservoir: description, features, rest

Krasnoyarsk Reservoir: description, features, rest

Krasnoyarsk reservoir is not in vain calledby the sea. After all, it really looks more like a real sea, and not an artificial pond! The reservoir was created in 1967-1970. The dam of the Krasnoyarsk HPP managed to block the channel of one of the largest and deepest rivers in Russia - the Yenisei. And the reservoir occupies the second place in Russia in terms of fullness.

Krasnoyarsk Reservoir

Briefly about the reservoir

Krasnoyarsk reservoir (map below) hasvery impressive size. Its length reaches 388 km, and the width in some places can be estimated at 15 km. In some places, the depth of the reservoir is about 105 m (maximum).

The reservoir was built to controlwater level in the river so that no obstacles impede shipping. Also, the Krasnoyarsk Sea is used for industrial purposes, in particular, for timber rafting. The shores of the reservoir are very different. It can be sandy beaches, and muddy dams, and heaps of rocks.

Krasnoyarsk reservoir map

Gulfs of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir

After the construction of this artificial reservoirBays were formed at the confluence of the Yenisei. One of them is Tubinsky. It is located closer to Minusinsk, the distance from it is only 18 kilometers. The bay is very picturesque and suitable for recreation for many people. Here the rest will be greeted by sandy beaches framing the shores of pine trees and a smooth increase in depth. Nearby, Mount Tepsey, which looks like a giant mammoth, is found. Also in its surroundings and the mouth of the Tuba River you can find petroglyphs - rock paintings of ancient people.

Любителям же походить под парусом можно advise Bay hype. There is a yacht club called "Admiral". Club yachts sway gracefully on the waves, decorating this place with them. The hype is the most popular bay in the whole Krasnoyarsk Sea.

Next to it is located the second majorBay - Biryusinsky. It is famous for its picturesque rocks. Further downstream, they turn into dense and difficult-to-pass taiga. The best way to get to it is to swim in a motorboat, crossing the Krasnoyarsk reservoir. The overland route also exists, but it will require a lot of time and effort. Good for those who prefer complex categorical hikes.

Good sandy beaches can providesurrounding and the bay, located near Primorsk. There are also many tourists here, but not in the same way as at Shumiha. It is possible that this is due to the remoteness of Primorsk from Krasnoyarsk. Go to him for about three and a half hours.

gulfs of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir

Recreation center "Scarlet Sail"

The base is located on the territory of the yacht club.recreation "Scarlet sail." This is a fairly large complex, which in the summer can simultaneously accommodate up to 65 people. Krasnoyarsk reservoir rest will give an unforgettable! And comfort will provide a variety of accommodation options. Starting from double or triple rooms in a log house and ending with individual houses for two or three people.

As an active pastime, the base offers a volleyball court, water rides, as well as a trip on a sailing yacht with a capacity of up to 10 people.
Fans of a relaxing holiday are invited to enjoy the view from the equipped gazebos, sunbathe on the beach or relax in the bath.

Recreation center "Berendey"

At some distance from the base "Scarlet Sail"is the base "Berendey" (Krasnoyarsk reservoir). Its uniqueness is that the whole territory is surrounded by water. It is no longer possible to get there by land by car. Only in winter on the laid winter road. In the summer, visitors are brought by boat or boat. This base can accommodate about a hundred people at a time.

For leisure, we offer a tour ofreservoir on the ship or yacht. During it you can enjoy the picturesque scenery, clean air and blue sky. On the basis of running rental equipment for water sports - water skiing, kite board. You can rent a boat or kayak. On the base there is where to moor and own water transport.

The bulk of visitors coming on weekends tryingtake a sandy beach. But on the rocky, too, you can relax. Again, people come most often for the weekend, and during the week there is almost no one here.

Krasnoyarsk reservoir rest


Krasnoyarsk reservoir, thanks to itsbays, is considered the most popular place for fishing. As a rule, fishing is carried out mainly from boats. Perch, pike, zander and even grayling come across to fishing rods. Anglers speak well of the reservoir. The fish comes across rather large sizes. This is due to good living conditions. After all, the reservoir is large enough, and the rich flora provides excellent nutrition for different types of fish. Popular on the Krasnoyarsk Sea and winter ice fishing.

Krasnoyarsk Sea just can not leave anyoneindifferent, everyone can find a place and occupation for the soul. Both in summer and in winter there is enough entertainment: fishing, snowmobiles, surfing and much more.

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