/ / How to get across the Kerch Strait by ferry

How to get across the Kerch Strait by ferry

If you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or in anyanother city of our country, but are going to rest in the Crimea, you do not need to ferry across the Kerch Strait. Another thing, if you - a resident of the North Caucasus. Or here's a life situation: you came to Adler and found that you could not afford the prices there. Want to move to a cheaper Crimea. How? To date, five kilometers of water area between Russia and Ukraine overcomes only the ferry. In the 40s, however, there was a bridge built on a wave of enthusiasm for a record 150 days. But now it is not. He also stood a record short time, the result of his collapse was not war, but a simple storm. So while there is no alternative to the ferry.

Ferry across the Kerch Strait
Итак, если вы не хотите объезжать (сжигая при this is not one dozen liters of gasoline) all the Sea of ​​Azov, you have to ferry across the Kerch Strait. In such a difficult business has its own nuances. The first, and most important, perhaps, problem is the presence of queues. The journey by sea does not take half an hour, but the preparation for loading, as well as the procedure of various controls (including customs) at two borders, eat up the lion's share of time and can pretty nerves.

Ferry across the Kerch Strait schedule
And it's not that the ferry was rarely run throughKerch Strait. Its schedule is very humane: every hour and a half from the port of Crimea, and, of course, from the port of Kavkaz a ship departs. And in the high season they even allow additional flights. The movement of these giant shuttles is so lively that even before sailing you will find a ship entering the harbor for new passengers. The reason for the queues is the extremely slow work of the border and customs services. For the sake of justice, I must say, both Russian and Ukrainian.

Moreover, if you buy a railway orbus ticket Kerch-Novorossiysk, it does not free you from waiting in line. Unless you will not pay for the crossing, since its cost is already included in the ticket price. But this is not such a big money: an adult passenger pays 37 hryvnia, a child is half as much. But traveling on their own vehicles will be more expensive ferry through the Kerch Strait. The price for transportation of a car depends on its length. The lowest fare - 176 hryvnia for cars, not exceeding a length of 4 meters 20 centimeters.

Ferry across the Kerch Strait price
So, going to be ferried acrossKerch Strait, you first need to buy a ticket. He is also your passport. Before you get into its territory, stock up on water (and food), because there will be no place to buy them. Also prohibited any photo and video. It's funny, but having boarded the ship, you can click on the camera from the convenient angle of the deck with all the things that were forbidden to take off from the pier. In addition, a webcam was recently installed in the port buildings, and now you can watch everything that is happening there, in real time.

To ferry across the Kerch StraitYou must be with a valid passport and the necessary documents for the car. The border guards are taking your papers to their booth, and customs officers are starting to inspect the car. Carefully ensure that the passport be stamped with the date of entry into the territory of a foreign country - otherwise you will not incur any troubles when leaving. And finally: having arranged the car in the indicated place on the deck, do not forget to put it on the emergency brake.

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