/ / Choose a place to relax. Lake Ilmurzino

We choose a place for rest. Lake Ilmurzino

Russia is rich in water.There are big and small, popular and not very popular here. I want to stop my attention on a pond with a surprising unusual name - Lake Ilmurzino. Reviews about it are mostly positive, so not only locals come here to rest, but tourists from other cities also come to this place.

lake ilmurzino

Briefly about the lake

Many people can boast encyclopedicknowledge about this pond? We do not think so. But this is unfair in relation to the wonderful ecologically clean lake lost in Kushnarenkovsky district of Bashkortostan. It is located very near Ufa, the distance is only 33 km.

The village of the same name

Lake Ilmurzino is not the only representativeunique name. Here, too, is the settlement of the same name, which has less than 300 inhabitants. The village of Ilmurzino was founded by mountain Tatars in the 17th century.

Its name comes from the local Bashkir Ilmurzy Yanbakhtin. In old records about the village it is said that this is a "delny village", suitable for "fish and animal" fishing.

What is waiting for tourists on the lake?

Lake Ilmurzino is artificial.Previously, in its place was just a big career. Perhaps, therefore, there is an opinion that it is saturated with useful trace elements. And some vacationers believe that the water there is not "empty", but some special.

Sloping banks with a smooth descent into the water will pleasehaving a rest. And also there are equipped sandy beaches with a place for parking (pay parking - 100 rubles a day, but not everywhere). Some bring here inflatable boats and even pleasure boats.

ilmurzino lake how to reach

The area surrounding Lake Ilmurzino,interspersed with a rare forest. Over the water hang the willows and willows. Fans of fishing can satisfy their interests and with pleasure to go fishing. In parallel with this, you can listen to gull-chaos, who are not afraid of anything and come close to people.

The water is clean and warm.When you enter it to the knee you notice flocks of small fish-fry, scurrying between your legs. The water is clear and pleasant to the touch. Those who stay at night in tents, have a rare pleasure to admire the wonderful sunsets, but do not forget about mosquito ointments, since there are a lot of them in the summer in this area.

The view near the lake is beautiful and well maintained, howevercabins for changing clothes a little, so you should be ready for Spartan rest in the proposed conditions. But an ecologically clean lake and untouched nature compensate for some inconveniences.


Lake Ilmurzino is ideal for holidays withfamily and small children. In a warm sunny day they will splash with pleasure on a shallow beach. There are no sanatoriums and recreation centers here, however this does not prevent people from building tent camps on their own.

Near the shoreline of shops and supermarketsyou will not find. The only place where you can buy food is a small tent. But, according to the tourists, the prices in it are very high. That is why it is recommended to take care of food in advance, as well as reserves of mineral water, juices and other beverages.

These shortcomings do not scare the locals and the numerous visitors at all. Recently, thanks to the beautiful air and good beaches, Ilmurzino (the lake) has become quite popular.

lake ilmurzino reviews

How to get to the pond?

You can get here by train to the station "Ufa" oron his car. This path is not at all complicated. The movement starts from Ufa, then through the Zaton bridge (local name) along the M7 to Podymalovskaya interchange. Near it, turn right and go to the pointer "Ilmurzino".

Having a map of the Ufa district, it's easy to navigate. You can reach the village by asphalt road or on a primer directly to the lake.

The only thing I wanted to wish those who go to the lake is to look at the weather forecast for the next few days so that the rest leaves an unforgettable feeling of communication with the local nature.

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