/ / Lazarevskoe - Moscow: traveling by car

Lazarevskoye - Moscow: traveling by car

A large number of people wishing to spend their leisure time inoptimal for rest of the microdistrict of the city of Sochi overpass the route Moscow - Lazarevskoe by private car. These people are not afraid of a long distance and the prospect of spending more than a day on the road, because this vehicle provides a certain freedom, which can not provide a train, plane or bus. This article will highlight the positive and negative aspects of this trip.

Brief information about the resort

Lazarevskoye is a unique territorysubtropics in our country. This village is dominated by a warm and humid climate. In the summer months, the air temperature is usually 26-27 degrees. In the daytime, the heat in these places is easier to tolerate due to the influence of sea breezes, at night, the elusive whiff of the breeze from the mountains brings a pleasant coolness.

Lazarevskoe Moscow

In Lazarevsky pebble beaches.A shallow bottom does not cause inconvenience when entering the sea. The resort offers entertainment for every taste. Each guest can find the most convenient option for their place of residence.

The village does not differ in vanity, but also full ofsilence is also difficult to call it. A large number of restaurants, cafes, discos, located on the coast, work at night. Through Lazarevskoye there is a railway, in this resort town there is a bus station and a pier. The nearest airport is in Adler.

Distance and route

To overcome the distance Lazarevskoe - Moscowby car (it is 1553 kilometers), you need to go to the federal highway M-4 "Don" and follow it to Dzhubga. The state of this route, according to travelers, has changed for the better in recent years: new sections of the road and junctions have appeared. Most sections of the road have two rows of traffic in one direction, dividing strips, good marking.

Road Moscow Lazarevskoe by car

In the area of ​​Dzhubga the road turns left andgoes to the track M-27, which leads directly to the resort village. It goes along the coast of the sea and is full of passes and serpentines. Overcoming these sections of the route, travelers pass through many settlements located on the seashore, and have the opportunity to admire the delightful scenery.

On all the way Lazarevskoe - Moscowthere are gas stations, cafes, motels and hotels. The path of those wishing to relax in Lazarevskoye lies along the territory of the Moscow, Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Rostov regions, Krasnodar Krai.

Pros of traveling by car

Tourists crossing the Moscow-Lazarevskoe road by car, find in their trip a lot of significant pluses.

  • Mobility. Travelers can make adjustments to their itinerary at any time, because they do not depend on a specific timetable.
  • A lot of new impressions.A trip by car to the south provides a chance to fully see what the native country looks like, full of amazing beauty with natural corners. Holidaymakers can stop and relax in any picturesque place.
  • Saving money. Overcome the distance Moscow - Lazarevskoye - Moscow by own car is really much more budgetary, than on other kind of transport.
  • The chance to take all the necessary things with you on a trip, putting them in the trunk of the car.

Moscow Lazarevskoe by car

The disadvantages of traveling by car

  • Great responsibility. Travelers are not immune from surprises and force majeure circumstances that may occur on the track.
  • Additional costs (car repairs, parking fees, toll sections of the road) can expect tourists on the road.
  • Traffic jams, which can be problematic to avoid.
  • Huge expenditure of energy. Long-term driving requires maximum concentration of attention and may exhaust the reserve of forces.

Route Moscow Lazarevskoe

Travel tips for travelers

  • It is recommended to prepare the car for a long trip with special care.
  • It is necessary to think over places for spending the night and eating.
  • It is necessary to study in detail your route.
  • It is necessary to make a detailed list of things that will be useful on the road.
  • Departing on the road by a big company, discuss all the details of the trip. This will help to avoid disagreements and disputes along the way.

The route Moscow - Lazarevskoye - Moscow can beto overcome as a fellow traveler, without even owning a car. From the capital in this direction there is a large number of drivers, in cars which have vacant seats, not occupied by relatives and friends. Many of them do not mind taking passengers on a long journey. Having resorted to the services of trusted communities, it is really possible to find a reliable driver with whom you can safely reach your destination.

To travel along the route Moscow -Lazarevskoye - Moscow has become a fascinating and enjoyable adventure and has not concealed a danger in itself, it needs to be properly prepared. On the road, you should be careful and be extremely careful.

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