/ / Zhebrak Mikhail and his projects

Mikhail Zhebrak and his projects

There is a guide in Moscow who invites children.and adults for a walk through the streets of the capital and the Moscow region, turning it into an exciting journey back centuries. This is Michael Zhebrak. He is called a private guide, an inventor, a storyteller, and he is also the leader of the author's program, "Walking."

Excursion performance

Yes, he is exactly like that.Over the years, coming up with interesting games for children and even adults. Michael turns excursions into real performances, in which those who come on a tour become actors, and not just a group following the guide. Each new walk, new excursion or a trip to one of the parks in Moscow with the guys suddenly turns into a search for treasure or some historical artifacts.

tour guide michael giobrak biography
Excursions to art museums turn intoThe detective investigation is harder than that of Pinkerton. Children like this search for secrets stored in museum halls. They are interested in looking at pictures and finding clues instead of a dry, classic tale of guides.

In a nutshell about yourself

Biography of Mikhail Zhebrak is very stingy with facts.Just about himself is not verbose, basically this is a list of dates of key moments of creative activity. Born on April 27, 1965 in Moscow. He studied at the school, then received a higher education at MGUP (press). His hobbies are historical places of Moscow and mountain tourism. Information for their excursions draws from books, being the reader of all metropolitan libraries. He believes that only a book helps to understand history correctly, especially an old one.

Michael said that in his youth he traveled allCentral Russia with children's tourist groups. Gradually, the adult contingent began to hike. According to him, knowing the material, you can take a tour in any city for three hours. From school, Michael was fascinated by the theater, the history of architecture and visual art. Favorite vehicles - a bicycle, and outside the city - a horse. About the personal life of Mikhail Zhebrak it is known that he is married and has a son. He doesn't like to talk more.

mikhail gibrak private life

Tourism and excursions - love since childhood

Родившись в Москве, Михаил обошел ее вдоль и across, clambered all the mysterious places of the center of the capital and the remote corners of its parks. The young adventure seeker liked to find historical sites and ancient monuments described in literary works. Knowing every nook and cranny of the capital, he spent many years touring Moscow and, traveling with children around Moscow, tried to acquaint them with nearby monasteries, estates, cities.

In 2004-2005, Mikhail Zhebrak works intourist company "Expedition Fisht" head of the excursion department. Here he develops routes, writes excursion programs and advertising texts. Further work as the editor of the sports department, then the chief editor of the magazine “Self-defense without weapons”.

С сентября 2012 года и по настоящее время Михаил hosts the weekly authoring program “On Foot” on the Kultura TV channel. And, of course, continues to conduct sightseeing tours for children to the city and the region from the tourist company "Merry Journey." Travel Company Travel Agency and Mikhail work with older groups of tourists. Any person can be carried away, the main thing is that it is interesting and fascinating. Here is such an interesting biography at the guide, Mikhail Zhebrak.

mikhail gibrak biography

Sightseeing tours from the "Merry Journey"

Такие экскурсии, которые проводит Михаил в рамках own copyright gaming programs, give a maximum of interesting information to the guys. In a playful way, they not only learn their city, its museums, their historical past, but also learn to see and understand what the artist drew, why the house was built in just such a style and much more. Children in the game become explorers. With loupes, maps and notebooks, under the direction of Mikhail Zhebrak, they discover a world that is not trivial. Well done are the parents who bring their children to such excursions. You can read rave reviews from parents and the children themselves on the “Merry Journey” website.

The author's program "Foot"

Excursions-performances that Michael ZhebrakHe has been inventing for many years now and pushed him to the idea of ​​creating his own author’s program, “On Foot”. And she received the highest ratings from viewers.

Remarkably, the transfer is half an hour and nottires the viewer at the screen. The highlight of her in the professionalism of the narrator, which stands for Michael himself. He, a great connoisseur of the history of Moscow and the surrounding area, devoted many issues of the program to the topic of Moscow. These include the cycle of the programs "Moscow Tea", "Moscow Water", "Moscow Italian" and others. This is also a tour, only for a wide range of viewers. These programs are on the Internet, that is, they can be viewed at any convenient time. In the plots that Michael creates, the viewer observes an amazing game of an erudite and talented person.

What else will come up with Michael? What other talents are not revealed?

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