/ / Wheel bearing: operating problems and their solution

Wheel bearing: problems in operation and their solution

Almost every car owner hadTo face with such problem, as the raised noise at car movement. Often this problem can cause not only discomfort for the driver and passengers, but also lead to an accident.

wheel bearing
Therefore, if drivingnoticed an extraneous noise, it is necessary to determine its source as soon as possible. In fact the reason of the raised noise can be and rubber if you recently "perobuvali" the car, and also similar sounds can be issued by a stupile bearing.

It must be said that just the most often noisewhen driving, it may appear from the wheel bearings. The reasons for this can be the presence of dirt or moisture in the bearing, and a lack of lubrication in the bearing, leading to its overheating. And in either case, a failed wheel bearing will start to make a buzzing sound. It usually starts to appear when the car moves at a speed of forty to sixty kilometers per hour, with increasing speed, sound does not disappear, but simply changes its tonality. It can be compared to the sound of a jet or a subway train.

wheel bearings VAZ
If the wheel bearings are buzzing, thenoperation of such a car leads to an increase in noise, then the sound completely disappears, there is a strong backlash of the wheel, there may be a metallic gnash and clicks when driving. To operate the car with these signs is not just forbidden, but very dangerous! The bearing can jam, which can cause an accident. Therefore, as soon as the wheel bearing begins to buzz, it must be urgently replaced!

Первое, что нужно сделать, - это узнать, какой wheel bearing boomed. After all, their number can be different: as four, if they are ball-shaped, and if roller, then eight. The simplest thing is to determine where the noise occurs - in front or behind the car. To do this, you need to find a free section of the road, speed it up to about sixty kilometers per hour and ride a snake, that is, shake the wheel left and right, and do not forget to listen to the character of the sound being made.

wheel bearings
If you hear a buzz rise, turning to the left, then the right front bearing is faulty, and vice versa.

If you suspect that one of therear bearings, here it will be somewhat more difficult. Hang the wheel that needs to be checked. After that, it must be slowly twisted, holding his hands. If you feel a series of rhythmic jerks and small jams along the entire path of movement, then the bearing is defective. Often faulty wheel bearings VAZ make a characteristic sound, if you just hang the wheel and strongly unwind it with your hands. It is necessary to follow this very carefully in order to prevent the occurrence of irreparable problems. In any case, as soon as you notice that the support wheel bearing is noisy, you need to immediately determine which one, and replace it. Then you will be happy to drive, and safety experiences will be less.

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