Taganrog Bay - the largest in the Azovsea. It is located on the north-eastern outskirts of the water area. It is separated by two large sandy spits - Dolga and Belosarayskaya. It is these that can be called the boundaries of the Taganrog Gulf, which isolate it from the rest of the sea.
4 large rivers flow into the bay:Don, Mius, Kalmius, She. The largest river. Don, at the confluence of the bay in the northeast, forms a delta with several branches. Its total area is 540 square meters. km. The Don River significantly affects the level of salinity in the bay. Due to the large number of flowing river water, the water area is more fresh. Only the western part of Taganrog Bay has sea salinity, since in this part it collides directly with the sea. The remaining rivers flowing into this water area do not have such an impact on the change in salinity of water.
The length of the bay is about 140 km.The average width is 31 km, the maximum is 52 km, and the smallest - 26 km. The relief of the bottom of the Taganrog Gulf is more equal than that of the sea. Because of this feature, it is much shallower. The average depth does not exceed 5 m. Only at the border of the Gulf with the Sea of Azov is the largest indicator in 11 m. The total area of the bay is 5600 sq. M. km.
The southern and northern coasts of the bay are uneven,Elevated, prone to frequent landslides. Under the action of accumulation of abrasive material sand spits and small islands were formed. The largest spit is Belosarayskaya, its length is 15 km. Spit The curve cuts into the water 9 km, and Beglitskaya - almost 3 km. Not far from the Mariupol coast is a small island. Lyapin, near the coast of Yeysk there are Sandy Islands. And near the Taganrog port there is an artificial island. Turtle.
The bottom of the bay is relatively flat, has a slight slope. It falls from the Don River towards the Azov Sea. Presented by sediments in the form of clayey silt, silty sand.
The ecological situation in the waters of TaganrogThe bay is lowered to the critical point. This is due to waste from the large industrial center of the region - Taganrog. Pollution of surface water threatens the bioresources of the Gulf.
The bay is in a temperate climatic zone,continental type. Throughout the year, the air temperature here is favorable. The water area freezes in December, but opens in March. In cold winters, the ice cake formed in the gulf reaches 80 cm. The average figure is 40-50 cm. But in warm winters the ice layer does not exceed 20 cm. The ice cover is uneven, hummocks often form along the coast and near the mouths of rivers.
In summer the water temperature in Taganrog Bay reaches + 25 ... + 28 ° С. The hottest month is July. At this time, the water warms up to almost +30 ° C. The velvet season lasts until early October.
The main wealth of the bay is aquatic biological resources.Recently, there is a tendency to increase freshwater fish, due to a decrease in the salinity of the reservoir. The most common are pike perch, crucian carp and perch. Often they are bored off the coasts and estuaries of rivers. In addition, a large number of sturgeon, herring, ram, crouch and bream are found in the bay.
Large mammals living in the waters of the bay,no. However, according to archaeological finds that were discovered near Taganrog, these species used to live here before. The remains of large and small mammals of the Pleistocene Age were found.
Territorial coast of the bay belongs to twostates - Russia and Ukraine. The largest ports on the coast are Mariupol, Taganrog and Yeisk. These cities are a resort area. Every year, a large number of people come to the coast for health and recreation. Tourists can stay in sanatoriums and recreation centers. Those who want to save a little on housing, are offered to look for a room in the private sector. If you compare prices, the second option is significantly cheaper, but the living conditions will be slightly worse.
You can rest on the bay all year round.Warm temperatures last about 200 days. Although recently there have been some deteriorations in the ecological situation, nevertheless favorable climatic conditions of the region, warm water makes this place popular among tourists. The coast of the Taganrog Bay is a wonderful place for a family holiday.
In addition, there is athe nature protection zone is the Beglitskaya Kosa. Some species of local flora are listed in the Red Book. Recently, the popularity is gaining the Pavlo-Ochakovo spit. It is ideal for sports such as surfing. Small depths off the coast are great for beginners in this sport.
An interesting feature of the historical pastBay is considered to be the Taganrog Gulf of the Azov Sea - this is the very Pushkin "Lukomorye". It is known that the poet wrote his poem while in the palace of Alexander I in Taganrog. It is noteworthy that the oak along which the "cat scientist" also went was near the coast, but, unfortunately, he did not live to the present day.