/ / Turquoise curtains in the interior of the house

Turquoise curtains in the interior of the house

How often do you want to relax afterhard working day! But in conditions of inappropriate home environment it is rather difficult. From too bright colors in the interior quickly tired eyes, and from too pale - instead of the joyful feeling of long-awaited rest overcomes the sadness and tends to sleep.

So how to choose the colors for your house that arewould have been something average between excessive vigor and pallor? One of these universal shades is turquoise or, in another way, the color of the sea wave. It is enough only a couple of objects of this tone in the room, for example, curtains - and it is transformed beyond recognition.

Turquoise curtains

Excursion to the history of the color of the sea wave

His name was a turquoise color thanks tosemi-precious stone-mineral - turquoise. It's not in vain that the turquoise color scheme so comfortably calms and sets on the soul's harmony - after all, the eponymous stone is a symbol of inner peace and tranquility.

About him, in his time, made many legends, butalmost in every culture there was a belief about lovers who exchanged rings with turquoise as a sign of loyalty to each other. Since then, it has been said that turquoise keeps and protects the love of two people from the evil eye.

Ещё недавно это свойство камня считалось просто a beautiful fairy tale, but it was proved that turquoise - just the mineral that by its presence strongly affects the inner state of man. As it turned out, and turquoise color quickly helps to restore strength and relieves emotional tension.

Turquoise curtains in the interior of the living room

ready-made curtains

If the choice of color is all decided, it is worthto think about in which rooms and on what subjects to put bright accents. You can start from a room that both visitors and owners of the house visit most often - from the living room. The best option for its design in this color will be turquoise curtains. This choice is not too binding, such as a sofa, but not as invisible as a turquoise photo frame.

Choosing ready-made curtains in the store for yourliving room, you should pay attention to the fact that the turquoise has shades, and on what tint will be chosen, the mood of the room depends directly. If you want to create something airy, cozy and quiet, the perfect solution will be light turquoise, as if strongly washed out with water, colors. Those who want to play on the contrasts and show the room in a new, fresh form, you can use dark turquoise saturated colors.

Maritime curtains for bedroom

turquoise interior

A bedroom is a place where solitude and peace are most valued. That is why turquoise curtains of muted shades in combination with pastel and brown tones will create in it the required atmosphere.

Для того чтобы спальня располагала к отдыху и possible sleep, you should prefer deep or very light shades of turquoise. For those who like the room, impregnated with the spirit of vivacity and activity, will suit a rich turquoise set of curtains.

Turquoise color curtains in the interior of the children's room

When it comes to the room of your beloved child, you undoubtedly want to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible.

set of curtains

Маленькие дети, по обыкновению, всегда очень active, and they certainly do not fit the room in pale colors. But at the same time, bright red or yellow colors can strongly affect the child's psyche that has not yet formed, making it unnecessarily agitated. But the turquoise interior will perfectly cope with the task of decorating the room, while the child will act soothingly, without distracting his attention from such important matters as, for example, lessons.

If we are talking about a teenager, then here turquoisecurtains will be the best option for setting the accents in the room, because, to all other qualities, the color of the sea wave excels in sunlight, refreshes the room and visually enlarges its space. For the younger generation, which now and then spends a lot of time on computers or endless homework, turquoise curtains on the windows will be a breath of fresh air, which is now so scarce.

The combination of turquoise curtains with other colors

Turquoise curtains in combination with other colors

It is important to remember how to combine the describedcolor with other shades. The most beautiful variations can be easily obtained by combining turquoise curtains and home decoration pastel and other warm colors. The harmoniously turquoise color will be combined with white, beige, milky, light brown, sand and similar soft colors.

But the turquoise color is not onlysoftness, but also energy. That is why ready-made curtains of deep turquoise color, which can shade red and burgundy details of the interior, will be a win-win option. By analogy, instead of red shades you can pick up mustard seeds - in this case the ensemble will come out more restrained, but therefore no less expressive.

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