/ / Lake Ritsa where is located? Lake Ritsa on the map

Lake Ritsa where is it? Lake Ritsa on the map

Земной шар удивляет нас постоянно.Despite the Internet, which provides the sea with information about any corner of the planet, new surprises are constantly arising. There is something that no one has ever known. And how many people who do not know about the "untwisted" natural miracles! This is understandable. The information flow is so dense that a person begins to "drown" in it, and therefore, to brush aside the secondary, at the moment not important.

lake ritsa where is located
However, you need to know the main sights, so as not to look like an ignoramus, and for yourself, to plan your vacation. For example, Lake Ritsa. Where is? What is known and interesting? Let's figure it out.

Lake Ritsa on the map

We proceed from the fact that a person only vaguely remembersthis phrase, and with what to connect it, does not represent. He realizes that this is not a mountain, but a pond - Lake Ritsa. Where is, has no clue. To find this object, you will need a Eurasia map.

how to get to the lake
That is, the continent was determined, to Africa andDo not look at America, it's not there. Narrow the search sector. Look at the Caucasus. It is among its mountains that Lake Ritsa is located. Where is, if more? Sukhumi, the Gagra found? Near the pond. This is the desired lake. About sixty kilometers from the city of Gagra. I must say that its location is unique! The mountains, beautiful and untouched, simply fascinate. But this is for lovers of extraordinary, natural impressions.

About the political map

The Caucasus is not a whole, that is, its territory is dividedseveral states. If you are looking for a pond on a political map (where countries are marked with different colors), then you will have to podnapryachsya. The fact is that the lake is in Abkhazia.

how to get to riza lake
And this is an unrecognized republic.Hence, it can not be found on any map. It is better to use Russian production, because the Russian Federation recognized a small heroic republic. Next to its border in the Caucasus you will find a small country, and there will be Lake Ritsa. Where is the Black Sea, next to Georgia. Have you seen? So, a small piece of land, between the sea on one side and the Russian Federation on the other - Abkhazia. Its southern borders go to Georgia. Now that the location of the lake has been decided, let's talk about the trip itself.

How to get to Riza lake

Regardless, from which point of the planet will you begintravel, you will be comfortable to fly to Sochi airport. Although closer to go from Gagra or Sukhumi (Abkhazia). In principle, it does not really matter. All the Black Sea cities are connected by good roads. The way to the lake begins with the M-27 highway. You need to get to the river Bzyb. From this point turn into the mountains.

lake ritsa legend
If you are coming from the Russian side,attention to the traffic police post, which will be after the city of Gagra. From it to the reservoir only twenty kilometers. Tourists, wondering how to get to Lake Ritsa, it is recommended to look for a tour desk. This way is the simplest. And trips there are organized from any resort city nearby. So do not mess with the cards. You'll get on the bus and they'll show you everything. The trip on an off-road car is more interesting. Not all magnificent corners can be visited by bus.

A bit about the trip itself

Local people are proud of their land. Just visiting him, you understand why. From the turn from the seaside highway to the pond thirty-eight kilometers. Believe me, this is the way of enjoyment.

lake ritsa on the map
At the same time the sight will absorb the splendor of the mountains,the mind will freeze from rapture and admiration for the courage and perseverance of the locals, the body will begin to sing, saturated with wonderful air. The road to Lake Ritsa runs past ancient and modern villages. The first Bzyb (by the name of the river) stands in an ancient place. Next to a series of trees you can see the remains of ancient fortresses. Then there will be two more. The guide will tell you about the exploits of soldiers, both antiquity and modernity. Then the path goes along narrow canyons and gorges. Builders had to work nicely to ensure the comfort of current travelers. You will meet and overcome thirteen bridges, tunnels and anti-avalanche fortifications. It is recommended to stop and admire the Blue Lake. It's small, but gorgeous. The water is clear and fresh. And also pay attention to the struggle of plants for life on stony slopes. She's just mesmerizing.

Some travel tips

Tourists are advised to take with themselves warm clotheseven in the summer. The fact is that the road lies among steep cliffs, dense forests. Sunny will not always pamper you with her warmth on the road. And the mountains are not desert. The higher, the lower the temperature. Therefore, a storm or a thin sweater will not be superfluous, especially if you went on a journey with children. Somewhere in the middle of the road you will drive into the park. Have to pay for the pleasure. The amount is small - fifty rubles. But you need to keep this in mind when you are going.

road to lake ritsa

Where to stay

If you are hypnotized by a mountain miracle, thenleaving him immediately is not necessary. Rest on Lake Ritsa is organized. Iosif Vissarionovich liked to spend a rare weekend here. And he knew a lot about rest. Ask the local, they will show you Stalin's dacha. There is now a museum. It can be visited to have an idea of ​​how the Leader of the Peoples lived, for which he was loved in the Caucasus. But the surrounding nature is of greater interest. Many believe that this crystal air is better than any medicine. And, unlike doctors and medicines, he heals complexly, affecting not only the body, but also the soul.

If you rest, then completely

Leave the life and the whirlwind of problems beyond the bordersparka. And here is the place of contact with the eternity and depth of nature. The mere contemplation of the contrast of magnificent mountains and deep waters will heal from depression and other "vices" of the modern world. But do not stop at the views. Try local food. It is simple, but very useful. In cafes you will be offered goat cheese, meat and greens. The combination is more beneficial to the body than fast food along with tablets. Once arrived, then "sit" on local products. Feel that your body has become lively, easy. Truly after a few days it is believed that a person can live more than two hundred years. Be sure to go fishing! Here is a magnificent underwater world. Get a lot of fun!

About the legends

Such an amazing place could not but drawattention of people's singers. From the mouth of the guide you can find out how, according to the local beliefs, Lake Ritsa emerged. The legend describes a beautiful girl whose name now bears a pond. She was beautiful, like a fairy tale, kind and cheerful. She lived with three brothers who were engaged in hunting and sang in the evenings by the fire. Once the young people were late for dinner.

rest on the lake ritsa
And the bandits attacked the girl.The mountain falcon warned the fellows about the danger threatening his sister. Only they did not have time to repel her from the rapist. Cruelly brutalized brothers bandit. The sword, sent to the side of the robber, blocked the river. Yes, only in vain was their work. Ritsa did not suffer shame and drowned in the cold waters of the new lake. And they desperately turned into gloomy mountains. And now all stand together. Ritsa splashes with crystal waves, and the brethren guard her peace.

Many more wonderful stories can tell youhospitable hosts of the region. Their difference is the depth and purity of the moral foundation laid down in every legend. The locals are open, like the smooth surface of a lake, harsh as mountains. With friends are friendly and kind, like a stormy subtropical vegetation. To enemies are merciless, like naked sheer cliffs. Anyone who has learned the charm of this region, always comes back here for a healing gulp of calm eternity, helping to live in an uneasy modern world.

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