/ / History of Iran and modernity. Know the Persian beauty with your own eyes

The history of Iran and modernity. Know the Persian beauty with your own eyes

Iran is the center of historical Persia.This beautiful country, thanks to its diverse climate, can welcome guests in any season, be it summer or winter. You can visit sightseeing tours at a suitable time for you. Iran is an amazing country in itself, and its historical heritage is fascinating. You will feel it when you see the architecture of Tehran, the holy places, the rich mansions of famous people.

Iranian history

Natural beauty of Iran attracts and pleases the eye:caves, high and menacing mountains, noisy waterfalls, reflecting the brilliance of the sun, dense forests. Every detail is unique and beautiful. Resorts of the Caspian and Persian Gulfs are worthy of the highest praise. You will be interested in the trip when the history of Iran will be studied by you in detail. But more on that later.

You should definitely visit Iran - tours to this country are very popular. What are they so attractive for tourists? There is a clear answer to this question.

  1. Very low prices. After all, if there is an opportunity to save the budget, then this is one of the arguments in favor of choosing a trip.
  2. The country is gorgeous and hospitable. Visit Iran at least once, and you will feel it for yourself.

If you have travel experience, then you can get acquainted with Iran without any problems.

Iran tours
Book a tour if your time is limited and youWant to spend time with comfort. Tours can be both individual and group. Take care of the guide in advance: if you need a Russian-speaking one, you need to notify the travel company. Accommodation can be of different levels (you can book a hotel for both $ 5 and $ 300).

You can choose one tour from those that provide the sites of tourism companies. Their considerable amount. Choose any based on your tastes and financial capabilities.

As for the country, you first need to get acquainted with its past: the history of Iran is rich in facts and events. And this, believe me, plays an important role when traveling.

The history of Iran is divided into 2 stages:

- before the adoption of Islam (pre-Islamic);

- after the adoption of Islam (Muslim).

Today, Iran still has traditions that existed before the country's adoption of Islam. Already several times the state has tried to take measures to revive traditions and customs.

Iran history
In Iran, Farsi and Persian are considered the state language, but, in addition to them, here they also speak Arabic, Azaric and other languages.

Следует также сказать и о том, что иранская кухня considered the most delicious in the world. Its main ingredients are vegetables and fruits, rice and bread. The national drink of this country is tea: it should be drunk hot and very strong.

If you are a real gourmet, then the besttry to look at a high-level hotel restaurant or get a visit to the locals, as in ordinary restaurants you can hardly taste the true Iranian cuisine.

These are the main reasons why you should travel to Iran, whose history is rich in events.

Вы уже заинтересованы в поездке?Do you want to spend time with benefits, feeling comfortable, but at the same time save your savings? Want to leave a nice imprint in your memory? Then plan everything carefully and without hesitation, head to this fabulous country. The ancient history of Iran, the sights that have survived to this day, will allow excursion programs to be rich and interesting for all tourists.

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