/ / Bank Bridge in St. Petersburg: address, description, history

Bank Bridge in St. Petersburg: address, description, history

St. Petersburg has many epithets related toits natural and city-forming features. One of them is the name of Venice of the North. And this is not one confirmation. For example, the fact that through its numerous rivers and canals a huge number of bridges are thrown: different in design features and inimitable in design. One of them is a bridge over the Griboyedov Canal with unique images of griffins as functional and decorative elements.

bank bridge history

History of Bank Bridge

In St. Petersburg, this pedestrian bridge wasThrown over the Griboyedov Canal in 1826. The authorship of the project belongs to the engineers V. Tretter and V. Khristianovich. And the decision to build a bridge in the chosen place is connected with the need to provide a crossing over the canal to the entrance to Assignation Bank, which was previously located in a historic building on the canal embankment, where the Bank Bank Bridge is now located at: Griboedov Canal Embankment, 27-30 . In addition, the bridge connects the two central islands - Kazan and Spassky, combining into a single territory two sections of the historic center of the city.

The construction was planned to be completed in the year of laying in 1825, but the process was delayed due to the untimely casting of cast-iron structures for construction at the Charles Byrd plant.

Gradually Bank Bridge in St. Petersburgdilapidated, and parts of it were replaced by cheaper and violate the historical compliance with the project. Therefore, in 1949, during the restoration work, it was decided to return the Bank’s bridge to its original appearance. Restoration work at this stage was completed by 1997. But in view of the perfect act of vandalism in 2009, when gilding was scraped off the wings of the newly restored griffins, the damaged elements of the bridge had to be restored again. And in 2015 it was decided to replace the wooden flooring at Bankovsky Bridge.

Myths and legends

According to one of Petersburg legends griffin figurescan bring financial well-being in the event of certain ritual actions: it is necessary to put a coin on one of the griffons, rub a paw and kiss it in a place above the tail. Sometimes they say that it is enough just to go over the bridge, holding banknotes in their hands. Or shake the small coins, which should be poured more in your pocket, so that the sound is as loud as possible.

bank bridge address

According to another student legend originatedAmong pupils of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Economics and Finance, near which there is a bridge, the griffins, being custodians of knowledge, can help them during the session.

There is also a legend that does not concern financial well-being. It is associated with the fulfillment of the cherished desire, for which it is simply necessary to rub the thigh of the griffin, located on the part of the Kazan Cathedral.

Features of the constructive solution

Bank Bridge over the Griboedov Canal inSt. Petersburg is one of the unique historical bridges belonging to the type of suspended bridges. The wooden flooring of the bridge is held by chains running along the entire length of the bridge and through the mouths of griffins, attached to massive cast-iron slabs lying on the bank at the exit of the bridge.

Assignation Bank at Bank Bridge

The bridge has one span. The design is supported by special pylons in the form of cast-iron frame frames. The main platform of the bridge is bounded on both sides by a unique cast-iron fence.

Decorative decoration: a unique fence

The cast-iron fence of the banking bridge consists oflinks-sections of rods, fan-shaped and completed by semicircles of arcs, which resembles a chamomile-type semi-flower. Between the sections, connecting them into a single whole, fixed cast-iron structures made up of 6 curls, similar to the currency. The upper frame of the fence of the bridge consists of parallel beams connected by uniformly spaced iron rings. Some claim that the elements more closely resemble unfolded fans and palm leaves. Some elements of the fence, as well as the wings of the sculptures adorning the bridge, were covered with gold leaf. By the end of the 19th century, most of the details had lost their gilding, which was constantly scraped off by local residents for the purpose of easy money. The grille was dismantled for restoration, but disappeared. And only by the middle of the next century was restored by the architect Rothach from preserved sketches.

Mythological miracle of the fabulous bridge

But the real miracle of the bridge is the sculpturalimages of griffins. Since the bridge was built at the building of the Assignation Bank, this artistic solution does not look strange, because griffins - mythological creatures of Greek origin with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle - are considered good watchmen and a symbol of wealth, as well as unity of strength and intelligence. In addition, these were creatures that submitted to the god of sunlight, Apollo, and the goddess of retribution, Nemesis. And even drove their teams. In addition, they rotated the wheel of fate. And in ancient Egypt, they were associated with the power of Pharaoh, who was conquering his enemies.

bank bridge

Performed on the Aleksandrovsky Iron Foundryto the plant designed by Sokolov, griffins on Bankovsky Bridge received bright, shiny wings covered with a thin layer of gold leaf to gray cast-iron color. And it is precisely because of this that they later often suffered at the hands of wealth seekers. And now the griffins have been sent back for restoration, but in the current 2018 they are expected to return to their pedestals.

In addition, the griffin figures were decoratedwonderful lanterns attached to their foreheads. The lanterns had a round canopy of milky-white glass with a gilded top that resembled the sepals of a berry and an arch “tripod” curved by an arc.

Near the Bank Bridge

Историческое окружение Банковского моста богато и is amazing. First of all, of course, this is the building of the Assignation Bank, founded in 1768 and located in the building along Sadovaya Street, built according to the design of the Italian architect Giacomo Quarenghi. Also - the building of the Kazan Cathedral - a monument to the Patriotic War of 1812, erected at the beginning of the XIX century by Andrei Voronikhin.

Griffins on Bank Bridge

In addition, this area was one of the mostThe most important trading places of the city were located nearby: Big Gostiny, Apraksin and Shchukin Yards. And a little further - on Nevsky Prospect - the famous building of the Singer company and the mansion of Engelhardt. In the distance, along the embankment, you can see the domes of the Savior on the Blood.

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