/ / Proper shelter of grapes for the winter in the Urals

Correct shelter of grapes for the winter in the Urals

Many modern villagers manage to growdelicious berries even in the harshest conditions. However, it is necessary to provide reliable shelter of grapes for the winter in the Urals and in other similar regions. Young vines have a weak root system, which means that they are subject to freezing, drying, or, conversely, getting out of the water when stored incorrectly during the cold season.

shelter of grapes for the winter on the urals

Features of the Urals winegrowing

An excellent way to cover the vine for the winter isdry method, it allows to completely protect the plant from the adverse effects of climate. Agrotechnics of grapes in the Urals involves the use of both special protective structures and conventional snow cover to prevent vinification of the vine. Light frosts are easily tolerated by local varieties and even make plants more enduring. But in the second half of October, it is necessary to provide shelter for the grapes for the winter. Typically, this procedure is carried out when the night temperature falls below -5aboutFROM.

harboring grapes for the winter

The essence of the dry method is that immediatelyafter the autumn pruning of the grapes, all the available vines are bent to the ground and pinned with wire or special garden arcs. We must ensure that the shoots do not touch the ground, but are 10 cm from it. The shelter of grapes for the winter in the Urals involves the use of special materials. The main condition: under such a design must necessarily be dry, otherwise the roots and vine will get out and rot.

Сверху подготовленные побеги укрывают обычной polyethylene film: it will not allow moisture to enter the plant. The uppermost layer of the "fur coat" is fixed using ordinary stones, planks or an earthen shaft. In this case, it is necessary that to the vines there were venting, supplying fresh air inside the structure.

If the area near the surface is suitablegroundwater, or in the spring there are floods, you need to take care of drainage outlets. Good shelter of grapes for the winter in the Urals also depends on the amount of snow that was collected on the protective structure. It is interesting that the vent should also be under a layer of fluffy "blanket."

As soon as the spring will cease to happen night frosts and the temperature will be guaranteed to be higher than -5aboutC, all protective structures are removed.Do it best on an overcast day, so that the bright sun rays do not damage the young shoots that make their way from the autumn mulch. The shelter of grapes for the winter in the Urals will no longer be necessary until the new season, but it is time for another responsible process - pruning the vines. It is necessary to remove all faded, old leaves, remove all damaged areas and cut off dry shoots.

agrotechnics of grapes on the urals

To improve air circulation near the rootsgrapes, you can loosen the soil with chopping. However, one must be careful, it is very important not to damage the plants weakened from wintering. Before you tie a vine to the trellis, you need to wait for the appearance of new kidneys and young shoots up to 5 cm long. Then you can fix the vine and remove all the extra sprouts. When the first inflorescences of 15-20 cm appear, it will be possible to pinch the shoots. And the last rule: without qualitative autumn pruning of high yields can not be!

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