/ / Krasnodar region, Dzhanhot: hotels, beaches, recreation centers, reviews of tourists

Krasnodar region, Dzhanhot: hotels, beaches, recreation centers, reviews of tourists

On the Black Sea coast there is no shortage of well-known resort towns. However, many now prefer to relax in less crowded places. These include the farm Dzhanhot in the Krasnodar Territory.

Krasnodar region Dzhanhot


Dzhankhot is a small farm locatednot far from Gelendzhik, in the mouth of the Khotetsai river. Administratively, it is part of the Divnomorsky District. Usually only 300 people live there. However, during the tourist season, the population increases tenfold. Every year more and more people come there. Tourists to these places are attracted by stories about the beauties of the local nature, heard from friends and acquaintances, as well as reviews of those who have already managed to visit these places.


The village of Dzhankhot founded a notable Russianeconomist and historian F. Shcherbin. At the end of the nineteenth century, he bought 110 acres of land in these places and built a house. To him began to come often guests from both capitals. Over time, they acquired land there and began to build cottages. As a result, for several years a resort settlement was formed.

Shcherbin became also the founder of Gelendzhikwinemaking. For several decades, he conducted experiments with local fruits and plants, trying to get new varieties with the best taste. To this day, a historian’s house has been preserved in Dzhankhot (Krasnodar Territory), which currently has 8 families.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a writer lived in the villageV. Korolenko, who settled his sick brother at one of the dachas. In the same period, Greek and Armenian families began to arrive there, having escaped the massacre of the Christian population organized by the then Turkish government.

Dzhanhot Hotels

Natural features

Dzhankhot Farm in the Krasnodar Territory isan oasis of ecological well-being. In its vicinity, nature is preserved in its virgin state. There are no industrial enterprises, and the air is clean from exhaust gases. This unusual situation is related to the fact that the territory of Dzhanhot began to be inhabited only 110-120 years ago. Until that time, there were only a few estates with a population of less than 100 people, so there was no one to inflict damage on the local nature.

The richness of Dzhankhot are forests where pine trees of the Pitsunda and Crimean species grow side by side. This combination is unique and is not found anywhere else in the world.

Unfortunately, the ecosystem of the village DzhanhotKrasnodar region is currently under threat due to the strong influx of tourists and industrialists. In addition, there is a high probability that in the coming years he may lose his unique look.

Who is suitable for rest in Dzhankhot

Those who want to come to these places from year to yearat least for a while to hide from civilization and spend a vacation in harmony and unity with nature. In Dzhankhot like both families with children and the elderly.

В последнее время туда стала приезжать и young people who are looking for budget holiday options and believe that the main thing during the holidays is a clean sea and a comfortable beach, and not discos and bars that you can visit at home.

Dzhankhot recreation center

Hotels Dzhanhot

In the city there are only a few hotels.Most tourists stay in private houses. First of all, this is due to the availability of such housing, since its renting will be cheaper than even the most modest hotel room in Gelendzhik.

Тем не менее число желающих поселиться в any of the hotels Dzhankhot also grows. The guests of the hotel "Ocean" (Pitsundsky lane, 5), "Central" (Ostrovsky str., 10) and guest house "Edem" (Dzhankhotsky lane, 2) are at guests' service.

All of them were built relatively recently and meet all the requirements put forward to modern hotels.

Dzhanhot: recreation center

Курорт предлагает самые разные варианты accommodation. Families with children should pay attention to the recreation center in Dzhanhot "Grace", which is located at the address: ul. Chernomorskaya, 15. Tourists here are offered three meals a day on the system "buffet". At the base there is everything you need to get the most out of your trip to Dzhanhot. On vacation on the sea just do not have to complain!

Cafes and restaurants

На курорте отдыхающие всегда смогут вкусно have lunch, dinner or snack. There are cafes that are located in close proximity to the beach, such as "Surf". There are quite expensive establishments, including the author’s cuisine, like, say, a restaurant in the "Empress" hotel, and there are also budget ones, for example, a canteen with the same name - "Dzhanhot".

dzhankhot village


Dzhanhot can not offer travelers suchbeach activities like a banana ride or parasailing. However, tourists will not be bored there either. In particular, you can take a walk on ... BTR. What is not extreme?

Such a unique tour will allow you to seewaterfalls, dolmens and admire the views of the Caucasus Mountains. In addition, the program of the trip includes swimming in mountain rivers and tasting great local wines.

And of course, the main entertainment of Dzhankhot is the local beach, which is distinguished by its cleanliness, as well as the lack of merchants and crowds.

In addition, tourists will have the opportunity to dodiving, as the coast of the resort has all the possibilities. In particular, there are several diving schools where they can prepare tourists for underwater travel as soon as possible.

Extreme lovers can also trysnorkeling. This dangerous entertainment is short-term diving with a snorkel, mask and flippers. If you wish, you can also rent a camera and take underwater photography.

Vacationers can also make a trip to Praskoveevka. It will allow you to enjoy the local flavor and arrange a tourist photo session on the background of the Caucasus Mountains.

Have you ever done horseback riding? Then, having reached Praskoveevka, do not miss the opportunity to take some riding lessons!


Tourists coming to Dzhanhot can seefamous rock Sail. It is located 5 km from the farm, and you can reach it just on foot. Young people who take a great interest in mountaineering try to conquer this vertical top. However, it should be remembered that it is insanely dangerous.

Just 1 km from Dzhankhot is the Blue Abyss.There you can see black cliffs reflected in the sea, which creates the effect of the abyss. far at the foot of the cliffs you can see the beach, called Black because of the special small pebbles.

Another attraction of Dzhankhot is the House of V. Korolenko. Next to him you can see 2 Lebanese cedar planted by his hand, which is more than 100 years old.

sea ​​vacation Dzhanhot

Reviews of tourists

Those who have already visited the resort Big GelendzhikAs a rule, they keep the best impressions of such a trip. In particular, reviews of holidaymakers about Dzhankhot are rarely negative. Most positive remarks are made to the local nature and beaches. In addition, tourists note low prices in hotels. As for the shortcomings seen by vacationers, they, as a rule, relate to the lack of entertainment.

How to get there

You can get to Dzhanhot (Krasnodar region) in different ways. For example, on the bus from the bus station of Gelendzhik - from here you can get a direct flight to the resort in 40-50 minutes.

Faster and more comfortable option - a taxi ride. However, it will be expensive, especially if you use the services of private traders.

Those who love sea travel can be advised to take a pleasure boat departing from the seaport of Gelendzhik. This walk will allow you to enjoy the views of the coast.

Riding a bike is also an interesting option to get into Dzhankhot. However, it will bring pleasure only if you are confident in your abilities and have proper athletic training.

Dzhanhot reviews holidaymakers

Now you know what to expect from a trip to Dzhanhot, and you probably want to spend several days there. Believe me, you definitely do not have to regret!

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