/ / Business Center "Benoit" - administrative and office building of St. Petersburg

Business center "Benoit" - administrative and office building of St. Petersburg

The Benois Business Center project was preparedGerman architectural and construction bureau "NPS TCHOBAN VOSS". This is an eight-storey Class A building, its area is 28,400 square meters. It was built on the site of the former plant "Russia". It is located in the business district "Polustrovo". The first stage was put into operation in 2007, and the second - in 2008. The office center was recognized as the "House of the Year" in St. Petersburg in 2009. Dispatched by the business center of the Criminal Code "Theorema". The building attracts attention due to stained glass windows, which depict characters of fairy tales on a black background.

Facade of the business center "Benoit"

The facade of the complex is decorated with ornaments, whichcreated by sketches of the Russian painter Alexander Nikolayevich Benois, and is made of panoramic glass. On the glass panels were printed by the method of digital printing color images of unusual costume figures. Not far from the complex is the artist's dacha. Figures A. Benois were prepared for performances of the Diaghilev seasons. At night, they are illuminated by internal illumination, which creates a fabulous impression. This facade is facing Piskarevsky Prospekt. Panoramic windows maximize access to sunlight in office space. And the facade, which "looks" in the courtyard, is faced with frosted panels of glass. The business center "Benoit" has not only original architecture, but also transport accessibility, a serious infrastructure, modern technical equipment and comfortable offices.

Benois Business Center

Infrastructure and basic characteristics of the complex

The infrastructure of the business center is focused onneeds of tenants. There is a large selection of office space with an area of ​​30 square meters, which can be rented. Offices with flooring (tiles or carpet), suspended ceilings, ventilation, lighting and so on. Possible the formation of office blocks. On the first floor of the office center there is a cafe, ATM, coffee machine, restaurant, payment terminal. The building has a conference hall, where business meetings are held. So, the Benois Business Center is equipped with:

  • security system;
  • round-the-clock access to office premises;
  • developed air-conditioning system;
  • digital telephony;
  • autonomous water supply;
  • centralized heat supply;
    benua business center how to get to
  • reception;
  • panoramic elevators (one cargo and four passenger);
  • unlimited Internet;
  • fire alarm:
  • satellite TV;
  • cleaning;
  • parking (paid for 430 seats, and free for 112 seats).

Benoit, business center: how to get there

Attention is also paid to transport accessibility and its location. You will get free buses to Benoit. They start their way from the metro station "Ploshchad Lenina".

benua business center address

Benoit, business center: address

Located in the city of St. Petersburg, districtKalininsky. It is worth noting that the Benois Business Center is very conveniently located at the intersection of the four main streets of the district: the Revolution highway, the Polyustrovsky and Piskarevsky avenues, the Sverdlovskaya embankment. Exact address: Sverdlovskaya embankment, house number - 38. Phone for communication: 8 (812) 333-04-44. Opening hours of the business center on weekdays from 09:30 to 18:00.

Business center "Benoit" is not only an office building, but also a building-picture. If you are in the northern capital, be sure to visit it.

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