/ / The capital of Cyprus is a museum of history and a modern city of two states.

The capital of Cyprus is a museum of history and a modern city of two states.

Cyprus is famous for its beautiful beaches andcomfortable conditions for rest. Even more interesting is the island for its rich history and many preserved attractions. The capital of Cyprus is Nicosia, founded in the eighth century BC. e., in ancient times was an independent state, then turned into a village. In the tenth century, the city began to regain its former power in order to become the political center of the kingdom in two centuries.

The capital of Cyprus is a white city

This city is the only major populationpoint located not on the coast, but in the central part of the island. The capital has several names: the official is Nicosia, but the Greeks prefer to call it Lefkosia ("White City"), and the Turks living in its northern part, - Lefkosa. The very first name of the city was Ledra, but after its almost complete destruction, it was rebuilt again and became Lefkona, from which Lefkosia subsequently originated.

The capital of Cyprus
The island has experienced many eras and rulers, amongwhich were the Venetians, the Turks, the British. Only in the sixtieth year of the last century, he received the long-awaited independence. The culture of Cyprus and its capital was influenced by Christianity, Catholicism and Islam.

Самым запоминающимся памятником архитектуры Nicosia are the Venetian walls surrounding the central part of the city. Built in the XVI century with a defensive purpose, they are perfectly preserved and replenished the numerous sights of Cyprus, remaining from earlier times. Gates were built in the walls, the most famous of which today is Famagusta. They are located in the capital, and not in the same city, now located on the territory of the Turkish community.

One of the monuments of our time on the territoryNicosia is the residence of Archbishop Makarios the Third, a man who occupied an honorary position at a fairly early age and became the first president of an independent republic. For visitors, this place is interesting art gallery located in the palace.

Sights of Cyprus
Those who are interested in the history of the development of technology, it will be interesting to visit the museum of motorcycles.

Никосия, что естественно для столицы, является cultural and economic center of the city, there are a lot of restaurants, shops, museums and galleries. A characteristic feature of the city is that it belongs to two states: the Independent Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The capital of Cyprus and the military conflict with Turkey

Unfortunately, military conflicts have not bypassed Cyprus, and the most recent of them is still fresh in the memory, and it cannot be considered completely complete.

Tours to Northern Cyprus
In 1974, Turkey, under the pretext of a settlementthe conflict between the communities caused a series of airstrikes, sent troops to the island and occupied its northern part. The Greeks were evacuated from the territory occupied by the enemy. The capital of Cyprus was divided in two by a green line, indicating a cease-fire and which became the border between the territories. Today, the northern part of the island is partly recognized as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Так как обе стороны заинтересованы в притоке having a rest, tourists can cross the green line without any problems, which has passed along the main street of the city, but a passport is required. Since the prices in the northern part of Cyprus are significantly lower than in the south, the export of goods from there is limited.

The Turkish part of the island, despite the externalcircumstances, attracts travelers. The natural conditions of this area are considered even more attractive than the Greek. Tours to northern Cyprus have recently seemed like entertainment for extreme lovers who want to see the fenced territory of Varosha - the Famagusta district, which until 1974 was the island’s tourism center, now called the "Dead City", which conflicting communities have not been able to divide for almost forty years. .

Today, when the parties are gradually opening upborder, the possibility of rest in the Turkish part of the island no longer seems something incredible. Resort cities such as Kyrenia and Famagusta with their beautiful beaches and new hotels, not too spoiled by the attention of tourists, welcome guests. From the cognitive point of view, northern Cyprus is no less interesting than southern.

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