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What to bring from Spain?

Испания обладает особым темпераментом.The country of flamenco and bullfighting is incredibly colorful, rest in it leaves, perhaps, the most vivid impressions. Leaving Spain, it's worth to grab a souvenir for memory - something that would remind us of this delightful country.

What to bring from Spain?With this problem will not be, souvenirs and gifts to family and friends here you can choose no less colorful. The first thing that tourists buy is all kinds of figurines of bulls and castanets. Toro (souvenir-bulls), made of various materials, are sold literally at every step. In each shop you can buy castanets - a percussion instrument consisting of two concave shell plates, which are connected by a cord. Of course, wood castanets are considered to be the best, but you can choose a more economical option - from fiberglass.

A good presentation for acquaintances will be fans.They are made of lace, paper, wood and plastic, painted in floral motifs. Buy fans of all kinds of colors, as well as luxurious bright scarves, you can in any market. The signature card of this country has long been branded T-shirts Kukuxumusu, they are decorated with prints with bright funny pictures that can raise the mood not only to the owner of the shirt, but also to others. In a special store you can pick up some good CDs with Flamenco - for yourself and for acquaintances. If you plan to attend the bullfight, be sure to order the original poster poster with your name among the participants of the bullfight. In Seville, this service is in demand.

Ceramic jugs, ashtrays, vases and platesare also very popular. The best products are produced in Catalonia and Toledo, famous for the pottery traditions of Andalusia. Valencian porcelain, thanks to its quality and originality, is known throughout the world. In Madrid, there is a brand store, offering a wide range of products. However, the famous statuettes of the factory Lladro is better to buy in Valencia, where they are much cheaper.

What to bring from Spain to friends?Botha, a leather container for wine, is a very useful souvenir. Do Spanish wineskins from the skins of goats, will cost such a present about 30 euros. In Toledo, using technology similar to the method of making Damascus steel, make splendid blades. Local craftsmen also make copies of famous swords and swords, this product is in great demand among visitors. Here for 10 euros you can buy a knife for letters, such a gift is useful in the office.

It is useful to visit Toledo and those who do not know,what to bring from Spain favorite. Here you can buy very original jewelry with ornaments and precious stones. More affordable option - jewelry from artificial pearls, which are produced in Mallorca. There, at the factory, they offer a large selection of branded products from it at the lowest prices in the country.

Что купить в Испании еще?In Salamanca, Cadiz and in the Alpujarra area, colorful carpets and blankets are produced incredibly beautiful, tourists from all over the world come to visit them. And, of course, what gifts from Spain without wine? Perhaps, the most famous is Jerez, it is made in the vicinity of Jerez de la Frontera. Choose for your taste: Fino - the driest, Amontillado - with the aroma of hazelnut, or the soft Manzanilla - you can bring real sherry only from Spain. Although, in this country each region can boast of its own wine, you will not lose it if you buy wine from Rioja as a gift to your friends.

Do not know what to bring from Spain as a giftgourmets? In supermarkets you can buy a national delicacy - jamon. This pork ham, damp, there are two of its kind - Serrano and Iberico. The latter, as a rule, is much more expensive, it can cost up to 200 euros. Spanish tea and spices are also unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, local saffron is known to be valued more than gold. Mallorques carry boxes with an ensamada (buns from puff pastry with different fillings). An excellent gift from Madrid will be candied violets, you can buy them at the Canalejas Square. Violets are grown and candy is prepared by monks, kilograms of candy will cost about 120 euros.

But that's not all. Products from colored glass, mats, laces from Galicia, bright hats and baskets - Spain will offer you a lot of colorful gifts.

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