/ / Hotel Sun Hotel Amoudara 3 * (Greece, Crete): holiday pictures and reviews

Hotel Sun Amoudara 3 * (Greece, Crete): holiday pictures and reviews

If you are planning a beach holiday in the territoryEurope, then, for sure, thought about Greece. This is a good option, because in the country there are many resorts, and the prices here are relatively low, especially given the high quality of service.

Crete is considered to be one of the mostinteresting and popular resort places in Greece. Here at your service are hundreds of large hotels and cozy guesthouses, where tourists are greeted with sincere hospitality. One of these places is the small hotel Sun Hotel Amoudara. Of course, first you need to get acquainted with all the available information about this hotel.

Where can I find a hotel? Location and brief description of the territory

sun hotel amoudara

Of course, when choosing a hotel, experienced touristspay attention to its location, because it should be convenient. Where is the hotel complex Sun Hotel Amoudara 3? Crete, a picturesque resort area of ​​Amodara, which is only a few kilometers from the island's capital, the city of Heraklion. The lively center can be reached on foot, as it is 4 km away. The distance to the airport is only 7 km, so worry about the long journey is not necessary, and the hotel's customers can expect a comfortable transfer. Of course, next to the complex are shops, cafes and bars.

Hotel Sun Hotel Amoudara is small - itconsists of several three- and four-story buildings. There is not too spacious, but a cozy patio with terraces and a swimming pool. By the way, this hotel takes tourists for several decades, since it was opened in 1980.

Hotel Sun Hotel Amoudara (Crete): what are the rooms for tourists

sun hotel amoudara 3

The hotel complex is relativelysmall - on its territory there are 58 rooms. For the most part, these are double standard rooms, but there are also more spacious rooms. The furnishings here are simple, but the furniture is solid and comfortable. There are beds, bedside tables, tables, spacious closets, in short, everything you need. And from your own balcony you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the mountains and the sea.

Because the life of a modern tourist is difficultto present without equipment, on the territory of the hotel there is everything necessary for comfortable rest, including powerful air-conditioners, TV and telephone. For an additional fee you can use a refrigerator, as well as a small but reliable safe.

There is also a small bathroom withshower, as well as a washbasin and a wall mirror. There is a small but powerful hair dryer for drying hair. You can count on clean towels, which really change daily, during a thorough cleaning of the rooms.

Power scheme: what to count on a traveler

sun hotel amoudara crit

The guests of the hotel complex Sun HotelAmoudara 3 themselves choose a power scheme. As a rule, tourists pay breakfast at the hotel. There is a spacious, cozy restaurant, where guests are invited. The menu, as the guests say, is quite decent - breakfast is served with pastries, fresh fruit, salads, light snacks and hot dishes. The restaurant is open the rest of the day, however, it is prepared under the order and the bills need to be paid separately. The food here is delicious, and the prices are quite normal.

The hotel also has a bar where guestsprefer to spend the evening relaxing with a glass of hot drink. By the way, in this area there are a sufficient number of cafes and taverns, where you can eat deliciously and immerse yourself in the local flavor.

Distance to the beach and amenities on the beach

sun hotel amoudara 3 crit

Sun Hotel Amoudara is locatedalmost on the beach - the distance is only 200 meters. Within a few minutes you can reach one of the most beautiful beaches on the island - a convenient path leads to it.

For a small fee, you can rent a sunbed withan umbrella. There is a sports center on the beach, where you can rent a boat, go for a drive on a boat or water ski, and do various kinds of water sports. There is also a bar where tourists are offered chilled drinks, cocktails - you can even dine on an incredibly beautiful beach.

As they say, the beach here is clean andwell-groomed, cleaned on the shore daily. The entrance to the sea is comfortable, and the bottom is covered with soft sand. It's a great time for both adult tourists and their kids.

Additional services: the list of services for hotel guests

sun hotel amoudara reviews

Tourists staying at the Sun HotelHotel Amoudara, can count on some additional services. Here, in the hotel, you can rent transport, including cars and bicycles, which is important for travelers who prefer freedom of movement. By the way, there is free parking for guests.

You can easily leave your baggage inspecial storage room. For valuable things, you can get a safe box at the reception desk. At your service and a small business center, where tourists can use computer and office equipment, as well as send a fax. Here really tried to create all conditions for a really good and comfortable stay.

Leisure of tourists: how to spend your free time

hotel sun hotel amoudara

At Sun Hotel Amoudara, tourists are moreparts rest after a day spent on the beach or in the city. Nevertheless, you can relax here. On the territory there is a small but colorful garden - here the guests like to hide from the summer heat and just stroll, enjoying the bright colors.

At your service and a small swimming pool, where waterclean almost every day. Near the terrace there are large, comfortable sun loungers and wide umbrellas. Here, tourists relax, take sun baths and just talk, get to know each other.

The hotel has a tour desk,where travelers are told about the most interesting sights of the island, which is practically the cradle of European civilization. Here you can buy an interesting tour of the surrounding area or make a route for an independent trip.

Hotel Sun Amoudara: reviews

Every traveler knows that the reviews of people,who already had time to visit this or that place, as a rule, contain a lot of additional information. Hotel Sun Hotel Amoudara leaves a pleasant impression. This is really a small complex where the tourist can relax, enjoy delicious Greek cuisine and relax after an eventful day.

As evidenced by the reviews, it is very cozy here, andemployees greet visitors with warmth - you can plunge into the present Greek hospitality. Rooms with uncomplicated furnishings, but everything you need is there, home appliances are working, and are cleaned in the rooms really every day. The location of the hotel is very convenient, as it is easy to reach from here, not only to the sea, but also to the bustling capital of the island. By the way, prices are also affordable, which makes the hotel a favorite among tourists vacation destination. Many travelers are regular hotel customers.

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