/ / Cities of Greece: plunge headlong into the wonderful atmosphere of antiquity

Cities of Greece: plunge headlong into the wonderful atmosphere of antiquity

This country is a recognized center of internationaltourism, the ancient cradle of Western civilization, its coast and islands are literally covered with magnificent monuments of ancient Greek history and amazing natural beauty. 2000 islands make up about 20% of the entire country. The cities of Greece and their resort areas are annually visited by about 20 million tourists. It is tourism that provides a significant part of the country's budget. What is so beckoning Hellas? First of all, these are the snow-white resort towns of Greece with charming narrow streets literally buried in flowers. Let's find out more about them!


cities of greece
This city can not be ignored, because it- the capital. Athens is located in the central part of the plain of Attica, surrounded on three sides by mountains, the height of which varies from 460 to 1400 meters. To the stunningly beautiful Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea, Athens faces its southwestern part. More than three million people live in the capital. Considering all the cities of Greece, this one has the most ancient history. The first mention of it dates from the XVI-XII centuries. BC er Now Athens is the main cultural and economic center of Hellas. Arriving here, you can contemplate the Acropolis, the Theater of Dionysus, the Parthenon, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Delphi, the Greek Agora, the Temple of Poseidon.


cities of greece list
In size - this is the second city of Greece.It is not at all like the fishing villages or the islands of paradise. Thessaloniki is a major center of commerce and industry. The city is conveniently located on the shore of the Gulf of Thermaikos. The rich history of Thessaloniki goes back to the ancient Macedonian period. It was founded by King Cassander in 315 BC. er Then he united 26 small villages located on the shores of the Gulf of Thermaikos. Thessaloniki was conquered by the Romans, Byzantines, the city endured invasions of Turks, Arabs, Saracens and Germans. Currently, Thessaloniki boasts a developed infrastructure, comfortable hotels, excellent and unique cuisine.

Popular resort areas

The cities of Greece, which list is great, of course,take a certain percentage of tourists every year, but the largest part of visitors, of course, goes to the coast and islands. We describe the two most favorite tourists.

resort cities of Greece

  • Санторини, или остров-полумесяц.It is interesting that initially the island had a round shape, but the earthquake that occurred in the 16th century BC changed its shape - the central part of Santorini plunged into the depths of the sea. In the center of the ring, small islands of Nea Kameni and Palea Kameni are formed - a unique phenomenon that is not found anywhere else in the whole world. The capital is the city of Fira, which has taken its place on the edge of a cliff, which is 260 meters above sea level. The local climate is very pleasant, because the island is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. What to see? Ancient Fira, Archaeological Museum, Santorini volcano, Pangea-Episcopa church, Prophet Elijah monastery, ancient ruins of the city on Cape Akrotiri, Ayiu Mina Church, which is a symbol of the island.
    cities of greece
  • Rhodes.From the famous city of Greece Karpathos island separates the strait, whose width is 47 km, and from the coast of Asia Minor - a narrow strait with a width of only 37 km. The coast is sandy, the island is a placer of bays and capes: Zonari, Lardos, Fokas, Armenistis, Prasonisi. The city of Rhodes is the administrative center, which took its place in the north-east of the island. About a hundred thousand people live here. The settlement is first of all remarkable for the UNESCO-protected Old Town. It was founded by the Knights of St. John in the XIV century, so it is so nice to walk along the cobbled streets and look at the knights' buildings, temples and bastions. It is worth seeing the acropolis on Mount Smith, the Rhodes Archaeological Museum, to visit Lindos, on Filerimos, to visit the Butterfly Valley and you should definitely go to the water park. Have a nice trip to the fabulous cities of Greece!
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