/ How to fly to Antalya from Moscow: features of the route

How to fly to Antalya from Moscow: features of the itinerary

One of the most favorite resorts of tourists from all over the worldof light - Antalya. The Turkish coast has become fond of many of its cordiality, hospitality, mild climate and reasonable prices, combined with a high level of service and services. Every day hundreds of planes land and take off from Antalya, delivering holidaymakers to their destination. Most tourists always want to know in advance how much to fly to Antalya from Moscow in order to plan their trip correctly and choose convenient transfer options from the airport to the hotel or to their apartments.

how much to fly to antalya from moscow


The city of Antalya is located on the southern coast of Turkey,on the Mediterranean coast. It is thanks to the answer to the question, how many to fly to Antalya from Moscow, this resort has become so popular among Muscovites. One can say with certainty that saying "Antalya", the majority speaks of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey as a whole, including Kemer, Side and Alanya, which can be in 2-3 hours by car from Antalya.

This is a very picturesque region - there is alsosandy beaches of Side, and high ridges near Kemer, when vacationers enjoy magnificent views of the mountains, splashing in the warm Mediterranean Sea. The rocky shore of Lara has their admirers - who do not need wide beaches, but the view of the sea-like sea going away distracts them into a world of dreams and dreams. And in the sea you can dive off the pier.

Nearby there is a lot of interestingsights and archaeological sites from ancient times. Local qualified guides and guides will gladly tell everyone about them in detail.

moscow antalya flight time

Tourist center of attraction

Dozens of aircraft daily from all airportsthe capital is flying in the direction of Moscow-Antalya. The flight time averages 3 hours. It depends on the route chosen by the pilot, as well as on weather conditions on the way. If the aircraft has to go around the thunderstorm front, the time can increase by 10-15 minutes. Every time, no one knows for sure how much to fly. Moscow-Antalya is a pretty busy route, planes fly with very little distance from each other. Any hitch leads to delayed departures, as well as to the discontent of tourists who are inconvenienced.

But such troubles happen extremely rarely andoften not through the fault of air carriers. Antalya combines amazing factors: proximity of location, comfort of resorts, reasonable prices. All this makes it unique in the eyes of most tourists.

time in Moscow antalya

How to get there

Almost all tourists from Moscow choose the mostfast and comfortable option - flight on the plane. But some decide to elect and more thorny, but amazing by the saturation route - by plane to Sochi, and from there by ferry and buses around Turkey. This way is much longer, but it has become popular lately. Moscow-Antalya - as two starting points. Between them you can visit many unique historical and architectural sights.

The flight Moscow-Antalya is probably one of thethe most popular routes, which employ hundreds of pilots and thousands of flight attendants. Well, the smallest passengers can repeatedly ask the question: "We still have a lot to fly?" Before Antalya from Moscow, they fly with children of school age, and with infants. Time in flight is transferred quite easily and quickly, and passengers do not have time to get tired during the journey.

flight moscow antalya

Air carriers

Absolutely most of the aircraft on thisdirections are carried out by charter flights. This means that the tour operator, who formed this tourist product, signed an agreement with the air carrier that it buys a certain number of seats on each flight. Depending on the forecasted demand, this quantity can vary every year. If the tour operator can not sell this number of seats, he will still pay them for the air carrier, and thus incur financial losses.

Almost all major airlines operatecharter programs. How many flights to Antalya from Moscow? It does not at all depend on whether a regular flight or charter is. And the quality of service, by the way, too. Charter flights have only one feature - they put them in the flight grid a day before departure, so changes can occur both at the time of departure and even at the airport, where the plane will take off. This information should be remembered for all tourists, especially those who fly with a transfer from Moscow to other cities of Russia. Count on strict compliance with the pre-schedule is not worth it. How many nerves and problems this can cause! Therefore, it is better to be safe.

how many fly antalya moscow

Volume of passenger traffic

Hundreds of thousands of tourists from the capital fly flightsMoscow-Antalya. Flight time, comfortable beaches and cheap trips make Turkey one of the most attractive countries for spending holidays at any time of the year, especially in summer. In addition to a beach holiday, many people come here just to improve their health on the seashore, to hold massages, to get some fresh air. Here, many people decide to celebrate the New Year and spend the New Year holidays.


Antalya has been oneof the most popular destinations for recreation of most residents of the capital. In this region, you can choose as an inexpensive budget vacation, and stay at a luxury hotel with the widest possible range of services for guests. The staff and inhabitants of Antalya are always hospitable and welcome guests, ready to talk for hours about their city and country.

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